Chapter 15: Him

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The men were hurrying back to the ships. They had riches beyond compare. Never had been a raid so successful. Only a few of the Vikings didn't make it, only a few were even hurt. Only one still dangerously hurt.

They had burned the dead the day before and helped as many of their people as possible. Among the dead was a tall man with black, slowly greying, hair. The blacksmith had fallen at the very last battle. His son gutting the man, who did it.

The man bleeding all over Floki's boat was one of the most experienced warriors. His eyes focused on his brother next to him. Eventhough, he was strong, his tattooed faced  was a grimace because of the pain.

During the journey back home Harald and Floki sat next to Halfdan, keeping the weak man alive as long as possible. Hopefully long enough to arrive Kattegat and a healer. Harald didn't want his brother to die but he knew if it was the God's will it would happen.

"We will arrive Kattegat in time." Floki said, " I thought you were a warrior not a worrier." He giggled strangely and Harald wanted to strangle him. "He will be in good hands once he is with the little healer."

Floki looked up and so did Harald as the first shouts of 'land'were heard. It was true, a village was visible on the horizon, another few hours and his brother would finally get help.

The closer they got the slower time seemed to go for Harald. Halfdan was slipping in and out of consciousness as the arrived at the port. People were waiting to greet their loved ones. But he didn't focus on them as he and Floki carried the injured brother towards the healer hut.

During the months away Kattegat changed. The old healer had died and was replaced by a young woman, who was busy being the youngest son of Ragnar's company.

Once the two had heard the rustling, they turned immediately letting the weapons drop and started going to greet their families.

Halfdans eyes opened slighlty as he heard more  people entering the room. A rough hand touched his face and he could see the green eyes he had grown to like above him. A cup was pushed against his lips and he drank the liquid. It tasted strange, unlike anything he ever had.

His would was cleaned and bandaged up by the skilled hands of the woman with the 'W'-branding. It took the woman a bit to finish up Halfdan before she walked outside and was greeted with even sadder news.

Halfdan woke up slowly. He felt better than he had the last few days, or has it been weeks? His shoulder hurt as he tried to get up. He was so thirsty, he immediately took cup next to him, emptying it completely.

The door opened and a small figure hurried towards him, gently pressing his shoulders back onto the bed.

"You should rest." A soft voice told him.

Mary's hands were already taking of his bandage. She carefully put on some ointment she had with her in a bowl onto Halfdan's wound. He hissed as she touched it. It was quite uncomfortable.

He leaned back and looked at her. Her face seemed leaner than before and her eyes were red. She had cried. Halfdan thought back to the talks the two had during the raid. He was a good man, he had a good life, a good death and now he is feasting with the Gods.

The hands on him felt wrong and he pushed her hands aside. She looked at him confused. Was something wrong? With the most care she put a new bandage onto his wound before she got up again.

"I am glad nothing worse happened to you." She spoke before leaving.

Months ago he would have longed for words like these. Now, they made him uncomfortable. He didn't want her in the hut. He wanted to sail back with his brother to his real home. Nothing was holding him in Kattegat anymore and that was exactly what he told his brother when he entered the door and sat down.

"Nothing? What about that woman?"

"She is nothing of importance." He said dismissively.

He knew Harald would be confused at his antics but he couldn't stay here any longer. Sometimes you experience things and your goal changed. The wound on his shoulder, close to his chest, put those things into perspective for him.

He didn't want the woman. No, he wanted her but he didn't need her. It would only cause him grief and suffering in the long run this became obvious during the last raid.

It only took Halfdan a few days to recover. He was as good as new thanks to the skilled hands of Mary. Once he was able to move his arm he helped pack the boats.

He hadn't talked to Mary. He didn't want to, so he just ignored her anytime she got near to him and apparently she got the message. She stayed away from him.

The last time he looked at her she stood at the port, when Harald's men were getting ready to leave. She had stared at him the entire time and he had yet to acknowledge her. When he finally looked at her, she had already turned away from him and walked towards her mother's hut.

That would be the last time he saw her for a while.

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