Chapter 12: Her

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I am so frustrated. The order of the chapters keep changing and I don't know what to do.

Something changed. The men started shuffling around and the women from Mary's old village began to shake in fear. Mary stretched her neck to see what was going on. It took a little while until she could see it. Land.

In a small distance ahead was a harbour and the men grew excited the closer they got. It was obvious the men were traveling for quite some time before they arrived at her former village. She didnt know what the future in the unknown place would hold for her, but it had to be better than anything she had endured in her old village. When they reached the land the shouting and cheering of the people grew louder and Mary saw men, women and children impatiently waiting for the boats to come to a stop.

The men, waiting on the shore embraced their brothers and started unloading the boat. Gustav and Olaf walked towards the women and handled them so they would go onto the land. They were weak and stood on shaky legs. The unknown scared them as much as it gave Mary hope for a good life. Sure, she was a slave but what's the worst that could happen to her at this point? Only Mary stood up strongly and followed the men she learned to trust.

"You gonna keep her?" The blue eyed man who freed Mary from the stake asked Olaf as they all walked to the middle of the village.


He clasped his hand around Mary's upper arm and led her towards a blond woman.

"Who is she?"

The elder woman standing in front of Olaf didn't look pleased at all. Neither did the men behind her.

"We caught her on the raid. She's a slave. I intent to buy her."

Mary only saw the disaproval coming from  Olafs family.

"I expected a different welcoming."

He told her as he stepped closer and grabbed her.

"I expected a warm welcome of my wife and my sons to tell me that they took care of their mother everything."

Hildegard looked at him with a mean glare. "I saw what Ragnar did when  another woman came along and I expected you to never do something like this!"

"Calm down, woman! It is not like that. She was to be killed in her village."

"That probably had a good reason!" She said in hatred towards the young woman.

"I am going to claim her. You need help with the bakery and I will need our sons with me after this raid."

"I will not have her in my bakery! By the gods, I don't have the time to first teach her our language and traditions and then the work as a baker. Young slaves are no good! I need an obedient and good working slave."

"She already speaks our language and understands us very well. If you are unsure talk to Floki and ask him about his opinion of her. But no matter what I will get her."

Mary could feel Hildegard's frustration, sadness and fear that he could leave her for someone younger like Mary. She wanted to say something but she knew nothing would calm  down the frustrated woman in front of them.

"Take her to the house. I will pay for her. Sons, help the others unload."

He spoke with authority leaving no room for arguments. So the young men followed him and Mary was alone with Hildegard who was glaring at her.

"Then come on."  She said in a harsh voice.

Mary followed obediently. They walked towards a nice hut, that smelled like fresh goods. Hildegard threw a large empty bucket at her. For an older woman she was surely strong.

"You can get water outside, then go in this room and wash yourself." She pointed to a small door.

Mary grabbed the bucket and walked outside to the shore getting the bucket. The water made it extremely heavy but as Mary raised it up she was barely touching it. She held it stable as the wind helped her carrying the heavy bucket.

She didn't lose a drop of water as she placed it into the small room Hildegard told her to. She didn't waste any time. As soon as she saw the dress Hildegard had put into the room she changed and washed herself with the cold water. It felt good to rid herself of the grime and dirt and blood. Her skin was red were she scrubbed too hard. She wanted to get rid of the memory of those villagers touching her. Mary wanted to get rid of her past altogether.

The dress was hanging down her small frame but she knew she would gain the lost weight in a few weeks of eating properly. She disposed of the water like Hildegard told her to and followed the rustling noise of whom she thought to be the old woman.

She was greeted with cold eyes as she stepped into the room, where Hildegard was already shuffling around.

"Don't just stand there and make yourself useful!"

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