34. First Fights and First Dates (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"And what did you find out?" I asked being nosy.

"Can we not talk about this anymore? I've just gotten to where I don't spend all of my time thinking about her and I'd like to keep it like that."

Just from the tone of Jade's voice I could tell that this girl was a touchy subject for her. I felt bad for being nosy now because I understood.

"I'm sorry." I apologized and Jade nodded her head.

"I'm going to head back to my campus, but I'll be back later to pick you up. Don't dress up. Like you can literally wear gym shorts if you want." Jade spoke making me even more curious about where we were going for our date.

"Okay. Just let me know when you're on the way."

"Will do. See you later, baby." Jade said making me narrow my eyes at her. "What? You said I couldn't call you Dani."

"Well, you damn sure can't call me that." I laughed and Jade smirked.


After saying that she left my room and I sighed dramatically.


"I can't believe you're going on a date with the person that made you break your ankle. She could have ended your career. She literally threatened to do so and then made you break your ankle and you trust her? Not to mention the shit that went down at conference. She almost got you jumped."

"That wasn't her fault." I said rolling my eyes.

If it wasn't already obvious, Jayla doesn't trust Jade. She feels like Jade has it out for me. I mean, I did too at first, but now I don't. I wouldn't say I trust her, but I don't think she has any ill intentions towards me.

"You breaking your ankle was." Jayla pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah, I know. But that's in the past. I forgave her for that. And honestly, she's not your problem. If anything she's mine and I don't have a problem with her."

"Anyone that wants to fuck with you is my problem. We've talked about this already. I will fuck up anyone that tries to hurt you and I don't trust her, so as of right now, she's on my 'Fuck Up List'."

Jade transferring here is new to everyone, but me. I already knew, so I'm not really mad at Jayla for being the way she is. I was upset at first too and just like I did, she'll get over it.

"You literally have two whole girlfriends you can be worried about. Get out of my damn business and focus on yours. I'm good, Jayla damn." I groaned.

"You were worried about me when it came to the whole Parker thing-"

"And now she's your girlfriend, so we clearly don't listen to each other. Let me be. Jade is cool. She's actually kind of sweet." I shrugged.

Jade really isn't that bad.

"Fine, but if she hurts you, I'm beating the shit out of her." Jayla crossed her arms.

"Fighting isn't the solution to everything." I said for the umpteenth time. Jayla really needs to stop trying to solve problems with her fists.

"I didn't say shit about a fight. I'm going to beat the shit out of her. There won't be a fight."


"Well, she's outside, so I'll see you when I get back."

I went to leave my room and Jayla just followed me. Ugh!

"I'm walking you out there." She said as if that wasn't obvious.

"I don't need you to." I groaned.

"I'm still walking you out there."

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now