She was in her third year in College then and she looked as beautiful as the sunset in Tuscany.

There he was, three years older than her but stuttering like he was just three years old.

Zi Wei didn't notice that but Kido would remember that night forever.

In the years to come, if people asked him to describe the woman he loved, he would go back to everything she made him feel that night.

Still, he fought what he felt for Zi Wei because of his close friendship with DiDi.

It took five years, a deadly illness, and a broken heart before they could finally be together.

As Uncle Jia Shu, their Father, fully went into remission for his cancer. Zi Wei was then diagnosed with leukemia.

Kido thought his whole world would collapse.

He felt so helpless back then and even when he knew she had a boyfriend, he went to Baltimore just to be with her and support her.

He admitted his feelings to DiDi and his friend, who would give anything in the world for his sister to be better, appreciated his sentiments.

"You are going to be part of the additional support system for Zi Wei. She needs that", he remembered RJ saying.

He loved Zi Wei so much that he even proposed funding Feiyu's trip to Baltimore. However, Feiyu could not get a visa because of a pending petition for American citizenship by his parents and immigration laws were getting stricter at that time.

Kido so wanted to be Feiyu during this ordeal – the man whose name Zi Wei even called out in her sleep.

He remembered praying to the Lord every night for her to get better.

There even came a point for him where he said, "It doesn't matter if I do not end up with her... It does not matter at all if she is meant to be with another guy... please just heal her. Heal her. That is all I ask."

He really thought that if she would just get better, he would forget all of his feelings for her and just support her in any way he could. Even DiDi knew how much he prayed because of the lengths of time he stayed in the hospital's chapel.

When Zi Wei finally became better and they headed home to Beijing, Kido focused on his craft and was starting to even distance himself from her when all hell broke loose.

The very moment Feiyu broke up with her, he was the one that she called first because Zi Wei didn't want to show her brother, whose heart was just as broken to pieces as hers, the tears and the heartbreak she was going through.

Kido remembered feeling like he wanted to dig up a six feet deep grave to bury Feiyu there alive.

He felt such fury for the man he even supported to make sure Zi Wei would be happy.

DiDi had challenged Feiyu to a fight first but the temptation to just knock the man out without asking for permission was so strong for him. He had never wanted to break another person's face into two as much as he wanted to do it to Feiyu at that moment.

And when a book about Zuer and Faiyu came out, he wanted to tear the both of them limb for limb. How could they be so brazen as to release a story that should have just been buried and forgotten?

Yet again, it was Zi Wei and her beautiful heart, who changed his mind and cured him of his anger.

She read the story and told him that she even wanted to apologize to both Feiyu and Zuer.

This made Kido really curious, despite the fact that he and DiDi agreed they would never read the book. It was a good decision to break that agreement though because after reading it, he realized that the story was not a celebration of forbidden love.

The writer, Shen Yue, tried to look at every possible angle in the story to show her readers how wrong Zuer and Feiyu were and how they tried their best to make things right but sometimes fate just really had other plans.

There were a lot of things he didn't know or things he chose to be blind about years ago that he started to perfectly understand after reading.

"So, what did you guys agree on?" Kido asked, bringing himself back into the moment.

"She said she would love to talk to the both of us soon but because I would be busy with fitting on the day she is available next week, we agreed na you guys could chat while I am still with the designer. At least there would be something for you to do while you wait for me."

"Ok. So, this is on Thursday, right?"

Zi Wei nodded. "She's excited to meet you actually."

"But not your brother, I bet."

Zi Wei sighed. "I think it would take long before we can have her and Gege face each other? I really want to keep this secret from him."

He could not help but laugh. "My dear dear fiancée, sometimes I think you forget you are siblings. You can't hide a secret from DiDi. He eventually learns about everything."

The woman bit on her lip. "Oh well... the truth is, I am more worried about yue. I want her to see Gege in a better light because he really is a good man."

"We'll just see how this progresses, then. As long as the two of us work together, there isn't anything that your brother can do", he winked at her and pressed his lips to her right hand.

It's been years.

Kido hoped his friend could be mature about Zi Wei's decision and not explode like the time he learned that his sister read the book.

Wang He Di is the most furious about what happened.

And it isn't really surprising. He was the one whose heart was broken the most.

Zuer was everything to him.

She was his world.

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