She smiled warmly. "Thank you for treating Papa, coffee. It's nice to meet you."

The other woman smiled back just as warmly. "I read your book and wanted to meet you ever since", Wang Zi Wei said as they shook hands.

"Did you like it?" Yue didn't know what made her blurt out that question. She hated asking that because it always sounds like she's fishing for a compliment. She immediately added, "I mean... I hope you enjoyed it."

"Actually... Yue..." she was surprised to hear her Father cut in and then saw Wang Zi Wei biting on her lip a little awkwardly.

"Why Pa?"

Her Father and Wang Zi Wei exchanged a look before the other woman finally cleared her throat, as though gathering courage "Actually, I'm part of your story..."

"You're part of the story?!?!" she repeated and felt her forehead crease trying to understand what the woman in front of her was saying.

Wang Zi Wei reddened like a tomato as she searched for words to clarify her statement. "Uhmmm... how do I even say this properly?"

Yue was stunned to see her Father squeeze the other woman's shoulder, trying to reassure her, almost like cheering her on.

"Yue... Zi Wei here is actually Feiyu's former girlfriend", her Father took the initiative to say because the woman in front of her seems at such a lost on how to say it.

A picture of Wang Zi Wei that Zuer showed Yue during their initial talks flashed right before her eyes and she felt the floor being pulled under her.

Was the woman here for a fight?!?!?!


"I was hoping I could talk to you", Zi Wei said as though she had guessed what went through Yue's mind.

"Is it about the book?"

A thousand scenarios immediately entered her head. Did Zi Wei not like the story (of course she didn't! Yue's depiction of her was really clingy in the book) and she was here to inform her she had filed a defamation case? But – But she made sure nothing could be traced back to the identities of those involved in the story. Did Zi Wei want her to release a statement about the truth in the book? Did Zi Wei want an apology?

"Uhmmm... yes and no?"

That made her take a step back. "What do you mean yes and no, Zi Wei?"

That was when she noticed that if she was nervous, the other woman was far more nervous than she was. She suddenly remembered that Feiyu's Zuer had suffered from leukemia.

Was she sick again?!?!?! "Hold on Zi Wei! Are you ok?"

Zi Wei put a hand on her chest and nodded. "I am. I am... I'm just... really really nervous."

If this woman was spoiling for a fight, she really wouldn't say something like that, would she? AND she would have most probably already made a scene. "Uhmmm... why don't we go to their restaurant here and have our talk there? Papa and I can also have our dinner before we head on home."

"Is that ok?"

"Of course, it is dear. Do not worry", her father answered Zi Wei swiftly and smiled gently. Yue's father is really a good man. "You and Yue would be able to talk better over dinner rather than standing up here."

Zi Wei nodded and they all started towards the elevator.

"I am truly sorry for catching you offguard like this", Feiyu's former girlfriend told her "But I have been thinking about this for a long time and I gathered all my courage to do this even if I know my older brother would probably become furious."

"Older brother?" she asked.

"Yes. Wang He Di-ge", Zi Wei confirmed to Yue and in her mind's eye, she saw flashbacks of the face of Zuer's ex- fiancé – THE older brother of Feiyu's ex-girlfriend.

It was a handsome but really stern face that she remembered – the guy who was the ultimate villain in her story.

"Is he here???" She could feel her heart beat rapidly as she looked around

"Ah no. Di-ge is out of the country right now."

There was a slight reprieve in that but Yue could still feel her hands getting clammy.

Was she ready to come face to face with the "villain" of the story she had written about?

"And Gege also does not know I came to meet you" Zi Wei added as though trying to give her further assurance.

"So... uhmmm... can I ask why you wanted to meet me?"

"I wanted to ask if you could write a sequel to your story... Would it be possible for you to write MY love story?"

"Your story????" she could not believe her ears.

"Yes... you see... I am about to get married in six months' time and I was hoping that you could shed a light on some truths about the woman who came first in Feiyu's life."

Yue felt she had been struck by lightning.

"You want me to write your story?!?"

Zi Wei nodded. "Would you give me that honor Ms. Shen Yue?"

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