63 || all started from the mental health hospital

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* 4 years later *

we had our children

Their birthday was a few months ago and now they're 6

They were twins , one boy , one girl

We named the girl lavena

We named the boy tommy

They were identical twins

They've been dying to know how me and Ethan met so today was the day we were going to tell them

We all gathered round the carpet as they listened

" so i was 18 and Ethan was 19 when we first met . I found out there was a new patient coming in the hospital so I was intrigued to know who it was . I was one day walking past the rooms when I hear music , someone singing and playing the guitar . It turned out to be ethan . I tried to compliment him and talk to him but he didn't want to . He was bored with me and didn't want to talk with me at all . I wanted to talk with him and get to know him " i explained

" every time scarlet tried to talk with me I always replied with dull and simple answers . I had it rough back then . I had voices in my head , anger issues . I was horrible . Every time scarlet tried to calm me down I'd always lash out on her even though nothing was her fault . There was one day I decided to give in and talk with her and I liked her a lot . We got to know each other more and more in sessions and out . We started to get very close and talk literally every day , it was amazing . We soon started to like each other and one day told one another . We shared our first kiss , it was magical and so beautiful " ethan said

" the kiss was the best kiss I've ever had . My birthday also turned up and he surprised me . He did a huge surprise. People sang , played instruments , gave me presents and so much more . We were going strong and always forgave each other if anything happened like an argument . Few months passed and they decided ethan got better and was ready to go out to the real world again . I was over the moon for him . I was so excited and happy that he was free . Ever since he was let out of the hospital we were still going so strong . He treated me like a queen and is everything I've ever wanted . Months later he proposed to me at the beach with a lovely dinner during the sunset . He even got a band to play for me . He wrote me a letter and read it out , it was so sweet and romantic . We had our wedding around 2 months later because we needed to sort out everything , the wedding was emotional especially his vows . After the wedding we went on our honeymoon to Hawaii and started talking about our future and how we wanted kids when we were ready . When we were ready we decided at that moment we wanted kids so we did have them . You guys . When we found out it was twins we were overwhelmed and buzzing with happiness . Our own creation . Our own look alike mixed together into one baby . When I was in the hospital giving birth to you two it was very hard but worth it all because now you both grew up into the children I've always wanted " I said smiling at the end

" and that's how it all started from" ethan started

" the mental health hospital "

mental health hospital || ethan Where stories live. Discover now