53 || reflecting

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We arrived home and placed all our things down on the table or couch and made our way to our room

We decided to change into our pjs

I wore a vest with shorts and Ethan wore only underwear

We cuddled up and started talking about Ethans time in the mental hospital

" I'm glad I'm released . I wouldn't of had help properly if you didn't come and I know it may sound weird or cringey but it's true . You're an absolutely angel who walked past me on that day and noticed me . You wanted to know more about me even if I didn't want you to . I was angry , violent , had voices in my head , emotionless , rude and so plain in my answers yet you still wanted to talk to me . I didn't want to talk to anyone to be honest , I just wanted to get out of that hell hole . I miss the friends that I've made there , I hope they're doing good and can be released very soon . I mean some parts of being in the hospital was nice some parts weren't . In the hospital I feel like I've made friends and a family . I've met people who actually cared for me since a long time . The only person who's really ever cared about me was Alex , he was a brother yet father figure to me . Even though he was younger he still looked after me . I miss him so fucking much , you don't even understand. He was my everything and still is . Now I just hope I'm making him happy ." Ethan said expressing how he felt

I gave him a sad smile and hugged him , him instantly putting his head in my neck

" don't cry baby " I whisper to him rubbing his back

He clinged onto me tighter which I didn't mind , he needed this right now

" I love you " I whisper kissing his head

" so much " I add on

" I love you too " he said with a small smile on his face making me smile

" cheer up bup " I said ruffling his hair

" everything will be alright " I reminded him

" be happy you've left the hospital and entered the real world again . Alex is definitely proud of how far you've come from being depressed and having issues to going to the hospital to being released because you made it . You did it ethan . All by yourself . You decided to change by yourself , you did everything by yourself so you should take credit for it , not me " I said smiling

" thank you scarlet " he said looking up at me

" no problem " I said looking at him

He leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips making me smile

I'm glad he feels better now

mental health hospital || ethan Where stories live. Discover now