55 || bonding time

717 21 5

If you forgot jacob is scarlets brother

Jacob , me and Ethan were all gonna have a bonding time today

We were going to play fifa 18 on my brothers PS4

We all sat down on my couch , me in the middle of the both of them

First it was ethan vs jacob

Whoever won that round would vs me

I snuggled up to ethan as he rested on the couch

" I'm gonna win this " ethan said smirking

" In your dreams mate " jacob said laughing

Ethan chose Chelsea

Jacob chose Arsenal

They started playing

*Few minutes into the game*

So far ethan got more passes and Jacob managed to block most of them

Ethan had a few chances of scoring but he rather missed or it was blocked

Ross Barkley had the ball

He ran and passed it to Danny Drinkwater

( I don't watch football , I had to search up the players "
He ran and ran , blocking all of Jacobs players

With that ethan pressed the kick button and Danny scored

" yesssssss!!!!" Ethan shouted getting up doing his celebration

" ha ha bitch " he said sticking his tongue at jacob

They continue playing the game , it was very interesting to watch

* End of the game *

It was 3-2

Ethan scored 3

Meaning he will vs me

" fuck you " jacob said laughing

" no I'll only fuck scarlet " he said smirking while placing his arms behind his head laying back

I blushed hard causing jacob to laugh a lot

" look at her face " jacob said pointing out my blushing

" aww my baby " ethan said squishing my cheeks

" stop " I whine

He squished my cheeks together and gave me a peck on the lips making me smile

" please I don't want to see you two kissing , save that for later "

Me and Ethan started playing against each other

*end of the game *

" ha ha ethan I won " I said sticking my tongue at him

" princess don't get all happy or else I'll teach you a lesson " he said

Jacob started laughing at my shocked reaction

" oh really " I said challenging him

" scarlet don't make me " he warned me

" yeah yeah whatever " I said playfully rolling my eyes

" that's it " he said getting up walking towards me

mental health hospital || ethan Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora