16 || older brother

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I was working on some files of the new patients when I heard over the speaker

" scarlet please come to the reception "


I walked out of my room and into the reception where I see someone who looks a little bit like me but a male , I wonder who it was

" this young man wants to speak with you " the receptionist told me

" alright follow me " I told the man leading him to my office

We arrived and I closed the door then sat opposite him

" so what brings you here " I said in a shy tone because I didn't know who it was

" well I-I wanted to tell you something " he said starting to get shy

I nodded my head for him to continue

" I'm your brother " he said

I stared at him feeling my eyes begin to tear up , so was his

" prove it " I told him

He took out a picture of him , mum , dad and me before we were separated at a young age

I looked up at him

" is it really you " I asked , my voice cracking

"yeah" he whispered

I attacked him into a hug , he instantly wrapped his arms around me

" I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner , it was very very hard finding you " he whispered into my ear as we continued to hug

" it doesn't matter at least you're here now " I said sniffling

" I missed you so much " I whispered

" I missed you too " he replied with rubbing his hand on my back to comfort me

" so hows life" he said pulling away from the hug

" you've missed a lot . I was depressed when mum started drinking and dad left to another family . She started drinking to drink her suffering away but it always added the suffering especially for me . I couldn't take it anymore , I lost everything . School got hard for me . My friends left me once they found out I was poor and I was alone . I went through all of this with my mum but she got drunk and I didn't want to follow that path . I wanted to die , I wanted to take my life so I tried and someone saw me and pulled me to the side when I tried to jump off a bridge and they brought me a blanket and took me to their house as they made hot chocolate for me and called the hospital. That's when I was submitted into the hospital not this one though , they took me in for around 4 months then I got better and they helped me with education etc then I decided I wanted to see other achieve and not be in my position so I began to find hospitals to work in and found this one . I've been working in it for a year and a half now " i explained to him

He looked down with a sad expression

" I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you " he said in a sad and sympathetic tone 

I placed my hand on his shoulder making him look up

" it's fine , it wasn't your fault " I said with a frown

" how was your life " I asked

" well I'm married now and a baby is on the way . My wife is so amazing , you should meet her . I work in a business and lived with our grandparents my whole life but they all didn't want us to know about the other . Our grandparents felt sorry for me and you so they decided to tell me some things about you growing up then I put two and two together and started looking at different hospitals to try and find you until I found you at this one , Are you still alone or is there someone in your life ?" He asked

" well yeah but we're taking things slow , he's a patient here " i explained

" what's his name , I wanna meet him " he asked

" ethan dolan " I told him

" ah I know him , bestfriends in high school with Ethan . I miss the guy man " he said in a sad tone

" take me to ethan , we haven't spoken in time " he told me

I nodded my head and we both got up and made our way to Ethans room

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