58 || princess , you haven't seen all of it yet

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yesterday was just wow

ethan has skills

he knows how to make a girl feel good

just thinking about it makes me want him again

he makes me so needy and sexually frustrated sometimes

he could be in a towel hanging low on his body and I would get sexually frustrated

he could be licking his lips slowly even if it wasn't intended in that way and I could be needy

he could be eating a watermelon and I would feel bothered , badly

especially with that one

the noises of him slurping the watermelon juice

the way he eats it

the way he sometimes looks up at me knowing I'm watching

it's all too much

Ethan woke up next to me and hugged me from behind laying his head on my shoulder

" good morning baby " he huskily said near my ear making me shiver , not now ethan

" good morning ethan " I said leaning up to give him a peck on the lips

" how are you after yesterday " he asked smirking

" ethan , you go over the top with it but it was very good " I said laughing feeling embarrassed

" princess you haven't seen all of it yet" he said smirking again

I stare at him without answering

there's more ?

fucking hell

" what " he asked confused

" there's more " I asked shocked

" of course , you really think that's all I can do " he asked

" yeah " I said

" well then you're in for a treat , I'll suprise you " he smiled

very well then

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