22 || his dream

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" scarlet " ethan asked knocking on the door

" come on " i shouted for him to hear

He opened the door and smiled at me

" hey ethan " I said smiling

" hey scarlet " he replied

" so what's up " I asked him as I watched him take a seat opposite me

" I saw Alex " ethan said

" what " I stutter confused

" In a dream , I saw Alex in a dream . He told me

' "E you have to get through this , I don't like seeing you upset it makes me upset . I wanna see you be happy in life and get into a relationship ship with scarlet because you both need each other . I can see the connection you two have , she's got you whipped . Achieve everything you plan to achieve in life and remember I'm always by your side cheering you on and guiding you . Have children when you're both ready . Grow old and see your grandchildren being happy and healthy . I'll be all your guardian angels . I love you brother , tell scarlet I said thank you '

I miss him so much . He told me forever and always and I said it back . He was very thankful for you especially since you've been looking after me . I wish it wasn't a dream and it could be real because I don't know if I can continue living without him , he was my best friend " he said

his voice cracking at the two words ' best friend '

I grabbed his hand that was laid on the desk and rubbed my thumb over it.

"  yes you can Live without Alex because he wants you to be happy in life and he wants you to achieve so much and forget about him dying just achieving what you want to achieve and live life of course with the thought of him still with you but don't let it affect you too much . If you ever see him in another dream tell him thank you too " I said smiling

" thanks " He whispered sniffing

" of course ethan " I said walking over to him and hugging him tight , his grip was tighter than mine

I liked having him in my arms or me being in his arms . I felt safe from people and warm like I knew he'd do anything to protect me

" thank you for everything " he said into my neck

I rubbed his back and whispered " no problem "

I'll always be there for him

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