12 || he definitely likes you

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We arrived at the heads office and took a seat opposite her with her desk in the middle of us

" good morning scarlet and Ethan " the head said with a smile

" good morning ms peters " we said back

" so as you heard from scarlet we are here to talk about the fight you had yesterday with the other patient , please explain your side " ms peters told ethan getting her notebook and pen ready to take notes

" well we were hanging around in the lunch hall since it was lunch and then we said scarlet walk past but she wasn't near us , he started saying how he wanted her and how he would destroy her body and maybe even rape her so of course I could never hear him speaking about women like that especially scarlet so I got protective and started telling him to stop saying those things because it's not good and then he came up to my face and said what are you gonna do about it so I got pissed off then attacked him . The voices in my head took over my body when I was fighting him , they told me to kill him and injury him badly but I didn't because scarlet came and calmed me down , if she didn't come in time I would've killed him . She somehow has a way of calming me down and making me feel relaxed , no one has even been able to when I get into fights normally I'd calm myself down " ethan explained

I looked down and smiled when he said I somehow calm him down , glad to know I have an affect on you

" alright interesting " ms peters said taking down the last few notes

" well ethan and scarlet thank you for coming . Do you mind if I speak to scarlet " ms peters asked him

" I don't mind , bye scarlet and ms peters " ethan said

" have a good day " ms peters told him

" bye ethan " I smiled

He smiled back and left the room leaving me and ms peters in the room

" sooooo what's going on with you and Ethan " she said wiggling her eyebrows

Ms Peters was like an older sister / mum to me in the hospital. She'd look after me and I'm very close with her

" nothing " I said not being able to hide the smile that was forming on my face , I looked down and started playing with my fingers

" why are you nervous " she asked me

" what do you mean " I asked looking at her

" you play with your fingers when you're nervous , I've noticed it a lot " she said

" it's just that ..... me and Ethan had a moment yesterday and I don't know if I can be with him that's if he even feels that way towards me " I said with defeat in my voice

" honey . I've seen the way you two look at each other , he definitely likes you and I know you definitely like him. Yes he may be a dangerous person because of the voices in his head but if you find a way to help him control them then what's their to loose " she told me

" my job " I said in a sad tone

" I normally don't let patients and doctors have a connection like this going on but I'll allow you and Ethan only because I look at you as a little sister / daughter so I'll do anything for you to be happy " ms peters said with a smile

" thank you a lot " I said smiling

" no problem , go for him " she said smiling back

I gave her a little nod then left the room thinking about our conversation , maybe I should give it a try but I need to help him with the voices inside his head

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