18 || another session

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we all gathered in the room and sat down on the chairs that were in a circle , more people decided to come so there were 13 patients in the room but including me there were 14 people here

" good morning everyone today im gonna start by asking you how you've been , how was you yesterday and then we're gonna get to know each other a little and communicate. I don't want you guys to feel alone in this hospital so why not make some new friends " I said to them smiling

They all nodded their heads

They weren't all my patients , the people in the room that were my patients are ethan , Sarah , Thomas , Dylan , Jayden , Rosie , Beatrice and the rest were Zara , Olivia , Tom , Derek , Lola , Bryan

I started asking everyone how they were today and most of them said tired some said they don't know

I then gave out some sheets for them to fill in and it had some questions about them that they needed to fill in then after they would give it back to me and I shuffle them then hand it out again so they could read about someone else in the group

I gave them 15 minutes to complete the sheet

When the 15 mins were up I collected the sheets then shuffled them and handed them out again to random people

They started to read the papers one by one and we found out some interesting things about people

mental health hospital || ethan Where stories live. Discover now