Part 7

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room rather groggy and disoriented. I feel around to my back pocket to retrieve my phone. The bright light causes my eyes to squint as I try to read the time.


Fuck. It's late. And I have my damn 8 am tomorrow morning. I look around the room and try to find Lauren but she's nowhere in sight. Now that I'm looking around... I realize this isn't where I fell asleep. I'm in Lauren's room, in her bed, tucked in the covers, when I specifically remember falling asleep on the couch.

I have a strong urge to do a little snooping around Lauren's room but I really need to get back to the dorms. I slowly open the door and peek out into the hallway.

"Lauren?" I whisper out into the dark.

"Laur-aahhh!" As I was trying to make my way through the living, I tripped over the coffee table and landed on the ground with a thud.

The light turns on beside me and I see a sleepy Lauren leaning up on the couch with a confused expression.

"Camz? Are you okay?" She grumbles as she kindly gives me her hand to help me up.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine."

"What are you doing"

"Oh, right. I woke up and I was really confused and then I saw that it was pretty late so I came out here to try and find you and-wait...why are sleeping on the couch?"

"Well you fell asleep pretty early and you just looked so tuckered out so I thought i'd let you sleep. I carried you to my bed and just took the couch," she says a little shyly.

"Lauren, why would you sleep on the couch? This is your house?" I asked with a fond smile.

"I just, I-I don't know... wanted you to be c-comfortable."

"Oh look who's stuttering now," I tease her, wondering myself where all this confidence was coming from.

"Ugh, shut up," she said as she laughed lightly and pushed me away from her with a shy smile.

"C'mon, let's get your annoying ass home," she teases me back and we head outside to her car with smiles on both our faces.


It was now Wednesday, and even though I haven't seen Lauren since that night, I don't think she's ever left my mind.

I keep thinking about everything that happened that night and over analyzing every detail.

Lauren offered for me to stay even after we finished the project. We cuddled as we watched TV. She carried me to her bed. And she was stuttering at the end of the night.

Is it possible that Lauren could like me back?

No. No way. She's her. And I'm me.

Doesn't add up.

Aaaaand speak of the Devil, I get a notification and see Lauren's name pop up on my screen.

Lolo💚: Hey Camz! I'm so boredddd. Wanna come over? You still owe me that duet(;

I've never answered a text so fast in my life.

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