Part 2

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I immediately grab my phone and pull my hand back as I try not to get lost in her eyes. "I-uhhh," is the only thing that comes out of my mouth as I continue staring at her. She arches her perfect brows at me in confusion and asks, "You okay?" Her voice is so raspy and heavenly and is definitely not helping me to calm the fuck down. "Fine, yeah, good, I-bye!" I stammer out and run away from her. Holy shit I am genuinely the most awkward human being on the planet, did I just have a stroke? God, now I know why I never tried to talk to her. And now I never can because I just completely embarrassed myself in front of her.

Keeping my head down, I speed walk to my next class meeting up with Dinah again. "Hey, Mila. What happened back there? I walked out of class and then I looked behind me and you weren't there"

"Oh my god D, I ran into her, well she ran into me, but fuck it was so-"

"Whoa, slow down. When you say her, you mean her her? Your little crush?"

"Yes and it was awful."

"Oh, it couldn't have been that bad"

"Believe me Dinah, it was. I made a complete fool out of myself. She ran into me and I dropped my phone and when she talked to me I literally just stuttered out nonsense and ran off. God, this is the worst day of my life"

"Okay, yeah, that's pretty bad"

"Ugh, now I'll never have a chance," I say as I put my head in my hands covering my face out of frustration and embarrassment. Dinah just stays beside me and rubs my back as I play that horrifying scene over and over again in my head, cringing harder and harder each time.


Thank god that I only have a class with my crush twice a week so I didn't have to see her the past few days. Unfortunately, now my luck has run out because today is Friday which means sociology. My plan was to get in and get out, no unnecessary lingering and wandering eyes. I scurry in to class and quickly take a seat, hood up and head down. You may think I'm being a little dramatic, which I am, but I'm pretty sure that that little exchange has scarred me for life. "Chancho, can you settle down, you look like a damn celebrity hiding from the paparazzi," Dinah scolds as she pulls the hood off my head. "It was just so embarrassing, and nothing like how I wanted our first interaction to go," I tell my best friend with a frown. "Aw, it's alright Sweets, I bet she found your stuttering endearing." I flash Dinah a fake smile as I just turn back to my professor and actually pay attention for once.

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