Part 1

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Camila's POV


The sound of my alarm wakes me from my sleep and I let out a groan as I hit the snooze button. I look over at my roommate, who is still dead asleep. I throw one of my pillows across our dorm, effectively hitting her in the face. "Dinah, wake up," I mumble out still feeling very tired myself. She lifts her head up and I can see the drool on her face. Trying to suppress my laughter, I say, "Good morning sleeping beauty." She just flips me off and turns away from me. I roll my eyes at Dinah's actions, but decide to get up and start getting ready for class. Halfway through my routine, I see Dinah get up and start getting ready as well.

We both finish around the same time and start walking to campus for our first class of the day, Sociology 101. I am walking with a spring in my step when Dinah asks me, "What has you in such a good mood?" She's looking at me with her signature smirk and I know she knows exactly why I am excited. You see, there's this girl in my lecture who is so insanely beautiful and I can't stop thinking about her even though I don't even know her name.

"Could it be a certain green eyed girl that has you so smiley?"

"Shut up Dinah"

She just laughs and shakes her head at me as we continue our way to class.

We get there about five minutes early and find our seats in the back of the lecture hall. Everyone is occupied with their own casual conversations as we wait for class to begin. My eyes start wandering the room in search of her.

I noticed her the first day of class, I thought she was gorgeous. I quickly tried to shut it down, though, telling myself that she was most likely straight. However, one day I had gotten a glance at her backpack and I saw something incredible. A rainbow pin. A. RAINBOW. PIN. Yeah, she might as well have an "I love pussy" tattoo across her forehead. That had to mean she liked girls, right? (or is that just how my gay ass brain works?) After that new discovery, my crush grew and grew until where it is now, just me drooling over her as I ignore everything my professor is saying throughout class.

As I am mid reminiscing on my feelings for my mystery girl, I see her walk down the aisle and take a seat a few rows ahead of me and start chatting with her friends. She is so fucking beautiful, with her dark hair and emerald eyes. And don't even get me started on her nose ring and tattoos. God, she makes me melt. With my head resting in my hand, I subconsciously bite my lip as I stare at her profile. Oh, what I would do to brush her hair behind her ear as I look into her eyes.

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear the people around me gathering their things, signifying the end of class. I pick up my notebook, that I never actually take notes in, and put it back in my bag and throw it over my shoulder as I start to walk out of the hall. Right when I reach the aisle, I feel a body run into me causing me to drop my phone on the ground. "Oh I'm so sorry," I hear as I bend over to pick up my phone. She is bending over as well and our hands meet when we both go to grab for it. I look up and I see the person that had ran into me.

It's her.

Getting the Girl 101 (Camren)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin