Part 4

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"Nice to meet you Camila," Lauren says as she looks into my eyes.

"Y-yeah, you um I you, no, I don't, h-hi?"

I. hate. myself.

"Don't hurt yourself there," she says with a chuckle, "Wait! That's where I know you from! You're the girl in my soc class that I bumped into. You're cute little stuttering gave it away."

Again. I. hate. mys- wait did she just say cute?

"Yup, that's me," I say with my head down and cheeks red.

"Huh, small world. Anyway, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good now. Thanks for getting me out of there. If you hadn't come I'd probably still be in my little ball in the corner," I say slightly (very) embarrassed by the state she found me in.

"No problem, do you need a ride home? I haven't drank anything, I swear."

"Thanks, but I should probably find my friend."

"Alright, let me help you though," she says as she grabs my hands and helps me up from the bed. Fuck, her hands are so soft, imagine what they'd feel like running up and down your bod-whoa! Mila! Calm your horny drunk thoughts.

I manage to let out a quiet thanks as we walk back towards the party. My eyes are roaming the room for Dinah, until I finally find her...aggressively making out with someone...and it doesn't look like they are stopping anytime soon. Lovely. I guess we are both horny drunks.

"Lauren? Could I actually have that ride? My friend is a little...preoccupied"

"Haha, yeah sure, let's go," I follow Lauren out to her car and I am already anticipating the awkwardness that is gonna ensue on this ride. I get to the passengers side, but before I can open it, Lauren steps in and opens it for me. Could she be any more perfect? I let out a quick thank you as I get in and she closes the door to head to her side. Lauren starts up her car and we make our way to the dorms.

"Sooo, are you majoring in Sociology or just taking the class for fun?" Ah, the classic college student ice breaker. Good one, Camila. "For fun, I just find it really interesting. I'm actually majoring in political science, how about you?" she answers back in her angelic voice.

"I'm also just taking it for fun, I'm a music major."

"Ugh, I love music. Who's your favorite artist?"

"Ooh, that's tough, I'll say my top favorites because I can't pick just one: Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, One Direction, and The 1975."

"Fuck, I love The 1975. I actually have there CD in here," Lauren says as she turns it on.

Wow, I'm actually having a human conversation with Lauren. Except we are literally listening to fallingforyou and I don't know what to do with myself. Holy shit, I'm sitting in a car listening to my favorite song as I admire the side profile of my fucking crush. Am I in heaven? And now she's singing...and she's INCREDIBLE! Her singing voice is even more husky and raspy and sexy than her speaking voice and I just-

"You have a really nice voice," I say quietly, still admiring her.

"Thanks," she says blushing slightly, "but I bet you are better, Ms. Music Major, maybe we could sing a duet sometime."

"YES!" I just about scream out embarrassingly fast. "I mean, yeah for sure." She just giggles and shakes her head at me with a smile on her face as we pull up to my dorm. She has a beautiful smile.

"Here, put your number in my phone. Ya know so we can schedule our jam session." I am smiling so widely as I type my number as fast as humanly possible and hand her phone back to her.

"Thanks for the ride, Lauren"

"My pleasure, Camila."

And with that, I wave goodbye as I walk into my dorm happy as can be and plop down on my bed. Staring at my ceiling, with a smile in my face, my brain is filled with thoughts of Lauren, and just when I think my smile can't get any bigger, my phone vibrates beside me.

Lauren: Goodnight Camila. Sweet dreams(:

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