Chapter Seven

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Hiccup stopped running away from the hospital.

He couldn't believe the doctor would say something like that. Everyone deserves to be loved, no matter how broken they are.

The overwhelming rage that built up inside of him, soon turned to tears.

He had made his way home and saw that his mom's car was in the driveway.

He had no choice but to walk inside.

"Hiccup, I was worried sick." His mom said. " I didn't see your car in the driveway and-" she noticed her son crying.

"Hiccup, dear, are you okay?" She said running up to him, grabbing his face. "Yeah, I'm fine mom." She said, pushing her hands off. "Really."

She looked at him. "No you're not." She said, crossing her arms.
Hiccup looked at the ground. "Did you drive?" She asked.

It finally hit Hiccup that he did, in fact, drive his own car. It shocked him, only because he hadn't driven a car since the accident.

"Well, Thanks for cleaning the bathroom, it looked amazingly clean and organized." His mom said, walking towards the kitchen.

Hiccup was about to say something, but all he could manage was a small 'thanks'.

His mom told him that she had to go to work again due to the short staff, so they said their goodbyes and she walked out the door.

"What am I supposed to do?" Hiccup asked himself out loud. "She might die and it's all my fault.

He went to the kitchen to try and get his mind off of Elsa, but was unsuccessful.

He suddenly, started to feel extremely weak. His heart started beating at an alarming fast rate.

He grabbed on to the kitchen counter and put his hand on his chest.

Something was going on and he didn't know what it was. He tried to reach his phone, but it was too late.

Hiccup passed out on the floor in the kitchen, and there was no one there to help him.


"Elsa?" A voice said.

Elsa slowly opened her eyes. She was shocked to see where she was. She was in a hospital room, but she was the one in the hospital.

She didn't react due to the medicine they gave her, all she could do was look around. She felt incredibly weak.

"Elsa, you've been out for a while." Said a woman's voice. It was the nurse that helped Anna. "I'm so glad your awake."

Elsa tried to move her body, but winced in pain. She looked at her arms which were wrapped in bandages. She looked at the nurse.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The nurse asked. "I could've gotten you help." "I don't need help." Elsa said sternly, resting her head back down on the pillow.

The nurse was about to say something, but chose not to.

She was interrupted by the hospitals alert system, saying that someone needed immediate help.

The nurse quickly left the room, leaving Elsa alone with her thoughts.

"Why didn't they just leave me to die." She said, quietly.

She began to let a few tears out, until she heard the door open.

"Welcome back Elsa." Said the doctor. "I see you tried to kill yourself." Elsa didn't respond, nor look at him.

Second Chance ~A Hiccelsa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now