Chapter Four

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I waited in that stupid hospital waiting room for hours. I felt like I had been in there for years.

I sat in a chair that was closest to the emergency hallway.

Hiccup's Mom was already contacted and was in the room with him. At least, that's what Elsa thought until she walked out into the waiting area.

"Elsa?" She asked.
Elsa immediately looked up. "Yeah, that's me." She said standing up. "Is Hiccup okay?"

"Well, he hasn't exactly woken up yet." Valka started. "I came to see if you might be able to help."

"What makes you think I can help?" Elsa asked. Valka sat down next to her.

"You see, Hiccup had always been weaker than most. He was born three months early so his body hadn't finished growing yet." She said.
"We all thought he was going to die, but he didn't. If he can survive that, then he can survive this."

"I don't see how that has anything to do with me being able to help." Elsa said.

"Come with me." Valka said standing up. Elsa stood up after her and walked next to Valka.

Valka walked to Hiccup's room and stopped when she was standing by the side of his bed.

"I absolutely hate seeing him this way." She said. "It's too soon."

Elsa looked at Hiccup. He looked very pale, almost as if all the blood was sucked out of his body. He had dark circles under his eyes making it look like he hasn't gotten any sleep.

Elsa kind of just stood there looking at him. Hiccup's mom broke the silence.
"You can sit down you know." She said.

Elsa tucked her hair behind her ear and walked to the empty chair.

"You're the only other person that has seen him besides me." Valka said.
Elsa looked at her. "He doesn't have many friends, ever since the accident his friends kind of just left him."

"That's terrible." Elsa said. "Why didn't they stay? If you don't mind me asking."

"Hiccup, well, he kind of shut them out. He got into this huge fight with one of them right before the crash." Valka explained.

"He'll never be the same." A single tear fell from her eye as she got up. "Excuse me." She left the room.

Now Elsa was alone, with Hiccup, who was unconscious. Elsa sat in the same chair and didn't move for two hours.
She was drifting off to sleep when she heard a noise.

It sounded like grunting. She was confused at first, until she realized.

"Hiccup?" She asked, wondering if she would even get a response. "E-Elsa?" He said with question, as if he was dreaming.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" Elsa said getting out of her chair and running to his side. "W-what happened?" He asked sitting up a little.

"I really don't know." Elsa replied. "All I know is that we were in the forest when you started to get weak and then you passed out."

Hiccup rubbed his head.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah." Hiccup replied. "I'm fine."

The room was quiet for a while.

"I shouldn't have taken you there." Elsa said, breaking the silence.
Hiccup quickly shutdown that remark.

"No, no." He started. "It wasn't your fault. It's my own damn fault for not taking it careful since I left this stupid place."

Elsa looked at him, confused.
"I left the hospital without actually being given the 100% clear from the doctor." He said.

"Why would you do that?" Elsa asked.
"He gave me a choice." Hiccup replied. "So I took the faster way out."

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