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"We need to talk." Mrs. Baudelaire said once the door was opened.

"I couldn't agree more." Violet motioned for them to come in.

Everyone sat on some couches that were on the far side of the room. "You need to explain." Klaus instructed.

"Everything." Duncan added.

The parents looked at each other before Mrs. Baudelaire started. "We work for an organization called V.F.D. Which I'm sure you've already figured out."

"Yes we did."

"Well V.F.D stands for Volunteer Fire Department." Mr. Quagmire continued.

"We used to put out fires before the schism." Mrs. Quagmire explained.

"What's the schism?" Violet asked.

"The schism is an event that happened causing V.F.D to split in two."

"The fire starters and the fire stoppers. Both sides believe they're doing the right thing."

"What side are you apart of?" Quigley asked.

"We are apart of the good side, the fire stoppers." Mr. Baudelaire explained.

"And that person who started the fire was supposed to be on our side as well but they lied." Mrs. Baudelaire sighed.

"Does that clear everything up?"

"No." Sunny said.

"What do you mean no?" Mr. Baudelaire asked.

"I think she means that you still haven't told us why you lied." Violet said crossing her arms.

"We didn't lie." Mrs. Quagmire tried to reassure.

"But the thing is you did. You lied to us about you dying in a fire." Isadora snapped.

"And about what happened to us with Count Olaf was all a dream." Klaus glared at the four adults.

"We didn't-"

"Don't even try to pretend you didn't lie dad. Are we really supposed to believe we all had the same dream?" Quigley asked.

"Okay fine. Yes we lied. We just didn't want you to have to live with all that." Mrs. Baudelaire admitted.

"Oh because we are just supposed to forget that you, our freaking parents just left us?! You faked your own god damn deaths and left us all alone in a world full of oblivious adults! We were constantly chased after and tortured!"

"Put through hell and then given a slight glimmer of hope!"

"Only to have it ripped away by being attacked by another set of villains that your work made enemies with!"

"Do you think it would be fair if your parents left you all alone and did nothing to stop their enemies from coming after you even though you did nothing?!"

"Igagooer! [you guys are bad parents]"

"We're so sorry." Mrs. Baudelaire looked as though she was about to cry.

"We didn't think that that much would happen to you." Mr. Quagmire explained.

"But you still left us." Violet stood up and walked out of the room followed by the rest of the kids. They didn't know where they were going they just knew they didn't want anything to do with their lying parents.



I see you scrolling past this. STOP IT. I need to ask you peeps some questions:

1. Once this gets to like 50 or so chapters should I stop this book and make a sequel?

2. Do you want more Kladora and Dunclet romance or should I add some new ships in here? If so which ones?

3. Should I start a completely different ASOUE book like with a different story line and different ships?

4. How are you guys liking the story?

Okay that's it.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Fortunate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now