Violet's Secret

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Violet Baudelaire, her siblings, and her best friends all sat on a trolley heading off to who knows where. Even though one might think they are the happiest group in the world one look at Violet's red and puffy face would change that. She had been crying over her love who had disappeared during the fire. Violet knew he had escaped but that didn't change the fact that he was still missing. The group sat in silence barely listening to Justice Strauss's rant about how amazing their new house would be.

When they arrived at the new mansion it sure was a stunning beauty. They all gasped in awe all except Violet. She felt as though she was cooped up in herself being the only one knowing her secret. It hurt and haunted ever since she realized it. She had only just had the courage to share it with someone and now that certain someone was missing. Why was her life so unfortunate?

"Vi are you ok? You look like kind of out of it." Quigley asked.

Violet only looked up at him until she realized he was talking to her. "Oh um yeah I'm fine." Violet lied.

"You don't seem fine. I mean I know you're upset about Duncan and I get that but is something else bothering you?" Isadora asked.

"Nothing else. I'm fine I promise." Violet reassured the concerned Isadora. In return she only nodded turning back towards the house.

"It's stunning." Isadora commented.

"Yeah but why are we?" Klaus asked.

Justice Strauss walked in between the orphans. "We are here because running away from our problems is the best option. As we've seen running away into the same town didn't quite work so now we are here. 4 hours away from my burned down house." Justice Strauss explained.

"4 hours?! How is Duncan ever meant to find us?!" Isadora yelled.

"HE ISN'T!" Justice Strauss screamed. Everyone took a step back in surprise. "I know something you don't. Duncan was the cause of the fire. Apparently he was mad so he burned down the house. The police are searching for the arsonist now." Justice Strauss explained.

"He's not an arsonist." Violet said quietly.

"What did you say Violet?" Justice Strauss asked impatiently.

"I SAID HE ISN'T AN ARSONIST!!!" Violet screamed.

"So who did it then?" Justice Strauss asked getting quite infuriated.

"My ex." Violet mumbled.

"Your ex what?" Isadora asked cautiously as to not anger Violet.


A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Fortunate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now