Where's Sunny

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A/N: I'm gonna stop making excuses and be straight with you guys. It's been a while since I've read or watched ASOUE and because of that I've kind of been bored with this book and my other one. I recently have been addicted to werewolf stories and writing fictional stories instead of fan fictions so once again I would like to apologize! My writing schedule with this story might still be off and on until I pull myself together and start being responsible. As some of you may know I'm only 13 and so that makes updating consistently hard especially when I lose interest in things so easily. I'll stop being a bother and let you enjoy the much needed update now.

Violet immediately rushed down the hallway chasing after the all to familiar scream. She knew Duncan was behind her, hot on her trail, but she didn't care. Sunny was her sister. Her only sister.

"I'm going to go get Klaus and Izzy!" Duncan called out panting. He turned and ran in the opposite direction searching for his best friend.

Violet continued down the seemingly never ending hallway. "SUNNY!?" Violet shouted. The screaming had stopped and Violet knew she had lost the trail. "Damnit." She quietly cursed. She trudged back in the direction of the dorm hoping to have the others help her. She returned only to find everyone was nowhere to be found.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and a evil presence stunk up the hallway.

"Violet." The voice taunted. "You want Sunny back right?" It cooed seemingly adding to her anger.

"What have you done with my sister?!" She yelled turning towards the voice only to find no one anywhere in sight. Was she going insane? Then she realized she wasn't at her dorm she didn't know where she was and that terrified her. Not because she was alone and lost but because she didn't what had happened to her siblings, what had happened to Sunny.....


Violet wandered the halls of the massive dorm building. We shouldn't have played hide and seek with Count Olaf on the loose! What was I thinking? She silently scolded herself.

The she heard the calm yet unsettling voice whisper in her ear again.

"Viiiiiioooooletttttttt." It elongated her name, getting quieter until the "t" sound was no longer able to be heard.

She whipped her head around once again to find nobody.

"Where are your siblings?" The voice taunted again. "Where have you left them?" She felt chills roam her body as she continued walking.


"STOP!" Violet yelled at the voice. The only thing to be heard was Violet's angered voice echoing off the walls, moving down the hallway. Violet collapsed shivering. What was happening? She was never this weak! Everything felt so surreal. Just then she felt the menacing presence leave the hallway as a comforting one entered. A hand gripped her shoulder slightly startling her.

"Vi?" Duncan asked shaking her out of her daze.

"Duncan?" She asked standing up and hugging him tightly.

"I missed you." She cried into his shoulder.

"But I didn't leave and neither did you."

A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Fortunate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now