Eyes Looking In

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That Night

Adelaide was already sitting up in bed, rocking Mirabella, when Sherlock came in, having cleared all their visitors from the building and taken a few minutes to cool his temper from the Media Mayhem they now found themselves in.

He slogged in and carelessly hung up his dressing gown and kicked off his shoes, hastily changing into his night clothes as she watched on, "Sherlock..."


"You ready to talk about it?"

"To talk about how the media is pounding down the door or why I decked Mycroft?"


Sherlock trudged to bed and got in beside her. He stretched out, leaning far enough to knock his head against the headboard, and stared at the ceiling. Finally he sighed, "Aren't you going to scold me?"

"Scold you?!  For what?"

"For letting the media catch me off guard, for one. And then not stopping the ensuing speculation into my private life. Now each and every agency is publishing and or broadcasting gossip about the possible scandals about our marriage and even about our child!"

"Sherlock, as much as we both tried to keep our relationship and new life safe from the eyes of the world, we both knew it would get out eventually, right?"

"That does not make it right, though, to be prying into our lives. Especially when the media is circulating stories about us."

"Yes, but unfortunately that doesn't change the situation, Sherlock," Adelaide studied his face and then reached over to squeeze his hand, "I don't fault you for any of this, Darling. It was inevitable."

"But I could have handled the whole encounter differently."

"The media will always twist words and spin stories no matter what they're told, be it true or false. I know you handled it as best you could."

Sherlock exhaled through his nostrils and sat back up, leaning over to rest his head on her shoulder, "Mycroft wasn't a help though."

"He could have said it in another way, yes, but I'm sure he did not intend to incite such a violent reaction from you."

"He already had a regular dental appointment set for tomorrow. I just added a bit of colour  to his visit."

"Sherlock."  She scolded.

"I know I probably shouldn't have socked Mycroft in front of our families. But the way he said it made me snap..," He relented, reaching around to stroke Mirabella's hand. A sigh escaped his lips; "We just got you and Mirabella home and almost immediately we're in a media nightmare. The last thing I wanted was added distress while you're recovering and we're both adjusting to parenthood."

Her face softened and she leaned her head over his, "Me too. But being a Holmes is never going to be so romantically easy... But we'll figure it out, right? We always do."

"I suppose so," Sherlock tilted his head up to kiss her jawline and then reached towards Mirabella. She smiled and placed her gently in his arms, laying back against the pillows and taking in the sweet moment as he brought their baby girl to his chest and laid down beside Adelaide. The new Holmes cooed to him and he hummed softly, "I don't suppose you'd have any ideas for us, little one?"

Of course, Mirabella could only bubble curiously in response. They chuckled and Sherlock planted a tiny kiss on her forehead, "One day you'll be able to tell us, won't you, Mira?" She gurgled her reply and he smiled. At least she's calm and carefree, unlike the rest of us right now. And we'll make sure she won't have more pressure than needed from the world for being the daughter of the Only Consulting Detective.

After a few minutes of one-on-one cuddle time with her, he rearranged her so she was laid between him and Adelaide, tucked securely into his left arm. She lifted her hand and grasped Mirabella's, then met Sherlock's gaze from across the pillows.

"Darling," She whispered, "I think the best thing to do would be to deal with the media as soon as possible."

"Mmm. Better to straighten things right out and prevent more rumours than to try and ignore them.  I agree completely, my Love."

Adelaide exhaled through her nostrils and let her eyes clamp shut as she grit out, "I knew it would happen eventually, but I hate that it happened just when we're getting our feet back under us and finding our new normal..."

Sherlock shifted enough to reach over and take her hand in his, giving it a strong squeeze, "Angel..?"

"I'm fine... I'll be fine- we'll all be fine... right, Sherlock?"

"Of course, Adelaide." She opened her eyes and squeezed his hand in return.

"Then maybe we'll finally have some peace..."

Love y'all!! 😘❤💕

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