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The Next Afternoon   

Sherlock's consciousness flickered for what seemed years to him, taking him in and out of a smoggy black realm that prevented him from activating the rest of his senses and body functions. The darkness was not peaceful to him either. It burned there, and he suffocated in the dense, putrid haze until his brain would switch on and rescue him.

It was a vicious cycle until he finally accumulated enough strength to start waking up. Mentally, he knew that he was under the influence of a number of drugs, which was why he was struggling so hard to regain full control over his body. But despite it, he gradually came around.

As his senses snapped back to life he felt that he was in a cool room, settled on a firm but not stiff surface covered in borderline scratchy fabric. Similar material was laid over his frame as well, slightly warming him. There was an uncomfortable protrusion in his nostrils and pricks of dull pain where he deduced there were needles. But it wasn't much compared to the severe soreness that hit him like a speeding train. It didn't feel like an electric stinging though, which further convinced him that there was pain medication at work.

The room he was in was mostly silent, with ambient noise coming in from outside, and smelled of chemicals and steel. Hospital. I'm in a hospital.

But the absence of the vitals monitor's signature digital beeping set him on edge. Now starting to worry, he slowly began reanimating. His fingers twitched first and then he shifted his head. Wake up! A short groan escaped him as he began writhing. Come on! It must be a hallucination!

"Whoa, take it easy, Mister Holmes! Easy!"

His eyes flashed open as he felt pressure on his shoulder. Disoriented and in a state of alarm, he tore away from the hand, "Get away!!!" He blinked to try and clear up the hazy, bright white blur but he couldn't focus on anything and only made him panic. He struggled and writhed as more hands pressed against him to try and restrain him, "GO AWAY!!"

A maelstrom of voices whirled around him- John and Greg's voices in the confusion as well. They drew closer and told him to stop fighting them but to him, they were a mere, cruel hallucination. That's what this whole thing is!! He growled and continued to fight off the figures surrounding him.

"Sherlock, stop! You're safe! No one's going to hurt you here!" He felt two cool hands cup his face and he froze, recognizing them and the voice immediately, "It's okay, Darling. Just calm down and look at me."

He didn't want it to be another hallucination, but he obeyed the simple command and slowly turned his head towards her. He blinked several times, trying to fine tune his vision. The ocular organs twitched, making it difficult, but the filmy image began to come into focus.

Sherlock stared at Adelaide for a solid minute before questioning, "N-Not h-h-hallucinating..?"

"You're not hallucinating, Honey. Don't worry." She soothed, stroking his cheeks gently. At the moment it was only her and Sherlock in the tiny room, as she'd asked everyone else to step out until she could calm him down.

"Creighton and J-Jacob?"

"In secure containment. We got to you just in time and took them by surprise. They won't hurt you again."

Sherlock let out a shaky breath, "A-Adelaide?"

"Yes, Sherlock?"

With his vision now crystal clear, he took in the sight of his wife; healthy, whole, and real. A million thoughts swarmed his head as he choked out, "I'm so s-sorry, Adelaide..."

"There's no reason for you to apologise, Sherlock. None of this was your fault," Adelaide replied and lowered her hands from his cheeks. She leaned over and wrapped her arms around him in a gentle embrace, "The only thing that I care about is that you are safe and alive, Darling."

Sherlock whimpered and buried his head in her neck, lifting his arms and put them around her, hugging her as tight as he could, "I m-missed you so much, Angel. I-I didn't know if you'd find me. I came s-so close-!!"

"Shh, Sherlock, I know. I was worried that we wouldn't make it in time. But it's over now, and we're together," She hushed and then twisted her head to give him a tender kiss, "I missed you too, Sweetie."

He closed his now dewy eyes and nuzzled as close as he could against her skin. A tear or two slipped out and fell onto Adelaide, but she didn't mind as she held Sherlock close.

John and Mycroft watched the couple's reunion from outside the door, both with genuine smiles. The former hummed, "Certainly a welcome sight."

"Indeed. Most welcome."

Thank you for reading!! Love y'all!! 😘😚

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