The Curious Box

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Two Weeks Later

The Holmeses checked out at the desk and picked up the prepregnancy booklets with the standard tips, do's and don'ts, and various recommendations for everything from special maternity stores to Lamaze classes. Adelaide could barely manage to fit the thick packets in her purse while trying to translate her husband for the nurse, who was simultaneously pleased and a bit intimidated by his interest. Once the nurse had given them all the information they could need, then the couple walked out of the clinic with wide smiles.

They'd gone for their followup OB/GYN consult to review the preliminary tests they'd had done the previous week as well as go over a prenatal care plan. And with nothing major to worry about besides checking Adelaide's diet and exercise, they were hopeful that it wouldn't be a terribly long wait before the first sonogram.

"Ride or walk, Love?" Sherlock asked once they'd made it to the street. Adelaide hummed and looped her arm around his, squeezing his hand.

"A walk would be wonderful, Darl. We haven't done that in a while." He smiled and lifted her hand to his lips.

"Very well. Let's go then."

"Mm," They were about a quarter of the way home when Sherlock suddenly tugged her off into an alleyway, "Whoa! What are you doing?"

"Media. We'll take another route. Longer, but we'll avoid the cameras." She nodded and he slowed so she could catch up. It didn't take more than a minutes for them to resume talking about their much anticipated baby.

Sherlock was chirping about how he planned to teach them the science of deduction when they turned a corner into a back alley and heard tires squealing. He managed to pull them both out of the way in time as an old banger of a car thundered past, narrowly missing Adelaide. His conditioned response was to suspect it was an enemy attempting to kill them, especially when a heavy cardboard box was chucked out of the back window. Bomb. It has to be a bomb! He grabbed for Adelaide to propel her away from it, but she slipped free, running straight for it, "Adelaide, no! Come back here!" She ignored him and fell to her knees beside the misshapen and soggy box, "Adelaide, get away from there!"

He had just grabbed her under the shoulders to get her away when she'd righted the box. A pitiful whimper came from inside and Adelaide practically ripped off the top panels to reveal the source. Inside, cowering and tremoring, was a very frightened looking puppy. Sherlock was perplexed and released his wife, staring at what appeared to be a juvenile Red Doberman. Adelaide reached one hand in, palm up, and made soothing noises before looking up at her husband, "What did you think it was? A bomb?"

"We were nearly flattened by that car and then the box was thrown out. Of course I thought it was a bomb."

She sighed and looked back at the pup as he cautiously sniffed her hand, "It's not uncommon for unwanted animals to be tossed out of cars in boxes. I heard the whimpering when the box hit the ground," She lowered her voice and coaxed the puppy, "C'mon, it's alright. We won't hurt you..."

"That is a Doberman, Adel-"

"Any dog can be aggressive, any dog can be gentle. It all depends on their environment and how they were trained."

He knew he would lose the debate at that point. So he let out a breath and squatted down beside her to get a closer look at the chocolate and rust coloured dog. Ears uncropped, tail undocked, but there is sufficient injury to it that a medical docking is required, "This dog was the runt of the litter and given his wounds, the breeder was running an illegal ring and did not find the Red variety desirable."

"Mmm... And he's malnourished. All evidence of animal abuse. I fear the condition his littermates are in." The Doberman finally stopped sniffing her and then gave her hand a tentative nudge with his pink nose. She held still and just wiggled her fingers. Then the puppy gave her hand a lick and let out a reassuring yip, nuzzling her hand. Adelaide smiled warmly and scratched behind his floppy ears and under his chin, "There! See? You're safe."

Sherlock watched with his own gentle smile as the pup stretched up, obviously wanting more attention from Adelaide. She obliged and gently picked him up. By no means was he tiny- Sherlock deduced he was just a few months shy of a year old- so he was close to full grown. But the zoologist had no problems holding him in her lap as he slobbered her with doggy kisses, wiggling from pure joy. Adelaide giggled as he nibbled at her earlobes, "Sherlock, can't we at least take him to the Vet and get him checked out? We can't just leave him here."

He reached out and let the dog sniff his own hand as he considered it. He knew Adelaide was already in love with the pup and vice versa. The detective exhaled when the puppy licked his hand as well. Well, at least he likes me too.

"Alright. We'll take him to get examined. He deserves as much."

She grinned and popped a quick kiss onto his lips, "Thank you, Sherlock!"

"No need, Angel. Come along, then."

He helped her up and they started for Adelaide's old Vet, who had cared for Nancy and Hercule. She carried the pup securely in her arms, wrapping her jacket around him as much as she could to keep him warm. Sherlock smiled to himself.

Not how I predicted tonight would go. But Missus Hudson should probably be forewarned anyway.

Thank you so much for reading! I can't believe this story has almost 1k reads already! ❤😘 Love y'all!!

Also, I chose a red Doberman precisely because they are one of the most popularly misunderstood breeds (like Pit Bull Terriers, Boxers, Bull Dogs, and other "dangerous dogs"). I feel it is important for everyone to understand that any dog, regardless of breed, can be conditioned to aggression or gentility. The environment they are raised in, and who they're trained by, will ultimately determine their temperament. Unfortunately many people blame the dogs instead of their owners for the bad behaviour, which makes me sad because these dogs are handsome, loyal, intelligent creatures and can have so much love to give. 😔

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