Baby's Room

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Two Weeks Later- May

Adelaide looked around the room that had once belonged to John, turning in a slow circle. It is quite dark. Too dark. We need a lighter color scheme since this is going to be the baby's room. As if agreeing, the baby girl rolled as the thought finished. The expectant mom giggled and sighed, "Something simple and bright. Maybe a dove white with splashes of color?"

"Hey, I thought you were going to wait until I at least got here, Ada!" Tara chortled, breezing into the room with a grin. The two best friends hugged and then the interior designer took a breath, "I'm honoured that you and Sherlock want me to help you transform this into the nursery. It'll be so much fun!"

"Sherlock and I could have done it alone but he wouldn't have let me up here once the work actually started and neither of us have your eye for this kind of thing anyway. But both of us want it to be perfect and you naturally came to mind."

Tara chuckled again, dipping into her bag to extract three scheme boards and sketchpad, "So where is your husband then?"

"He texted me not too long ago, saying he was leaving the Yard. Should be here any minute."

"Good, because you both need to approve one of the plans before we can get cracking."

"Of course, of course."

Less than a minute later they heard Teddy greeting Sherlock downstairs. The detective dashed up the stairs and into the to-be nursery, neglecting to remove his coat. He bade a quick greeting to Tara, focusing on Adelaide. They shared a kiss and he asked about her and the baby, satisfied when the responses were positive. Their daughter still wasn't a wild acrobat, but she had been moving a lot more than they originally hoped and was very receptive to stimulation. The hiccups had continued as well, although Adelaide didn't enjoy them as much.

The three adults sat down to begin the brief and Tara slipped into total professional mode. She reached for the first trifold scheme board and opened it up. It was a blush and rose gold color palette- elegant and high class.

Tara talked them through the proposed layout and furnishings, and the Holmeses talked about it for a minute before moving onto the next one; White, mint and purple. Less refined but bright and peppy. The last scheme board detailed an oceanic theme.

The first idea to get nixed was the rose gold. Sherlock didn't like it, saying it would better suit a child of Mycroft's. The real discussiom ensued between the final two schemes. Tara walked them through each of the ideas again and they discussed each one so that she could make modifications or explain the smaller details.

But it became clear that they couldn't settle on one. Adelaide loved both and almost got to the point of a breakdown, which is when Sherlock called it a night and ushered her down to the bedroom to calm down. Tara agreed to make the necessary alterations and then come in another week to help clear out the room and apply a few test patches of paint so they could make a final decision. Once she'd left, Sherlock took Teddy out and then went into the bedroom to check on Adelaide.

"Are you alright, Lovey?" He asked gently as he entered, finding her sitting up in bed with the covers drawn up to her hips, hands folded over her protruding tum. Her eyes were closed, even as he walked over to the bed and joined her, "Adelaide?"

"I'm fine, Darling. I just hate these hormonal mood swings. Feeling like the tiniest thing will merit a sobbing fit, twenty four seven, sucks," Adelaide replied slowly, "She must have picked up on the excitement because she's been moving around a lot." Sherlock smiled and reached out to press his hand to her belly in time to feel their daughter kick.

"It was worth the wait to feel her kick for the first time, and now she won't seem to tire out."

"Yes, it was definitely worth it, Sherlock. Knowing she's there, healthy and growing, is more exciting than anything." They let a few minutes of silence pass before he spoke up again.

"Angel, we should probably come up with a name soon for our little girl. So that way we know what letters to have Tara use."

"I was thinking about that earlier. But right now, I can't focus on anything but the nursery schemes!"

"That's perfectly alright, Lovey! We'll figure out which one we want and then decide on a name. We've got plenty of time."

"Not too much though. We've only got about four months- we're past the halfway point now. And I want the nursery ready before the nine month mark- just in case."

"Everything will be done by then. Don't worry, Angel."

"There's just so much we still have to do-!"

"Adelaide, I know, but we will get everything taken care of before the baby comes. Nothing is going to happen that will change our timeline. I'll make sure of it."

Adelaide finally opened her eyes and smiled. She then leaned over into him, curling up to his warmth, "She's going to be one of the most spoiled girls in the world. You as her Dad, with Finn and Mycroft as her uncles..."

"She will also be one of the safest. That is my priority for both of you."

See you in the next chapter!! Love y'all!!

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