Alexander Watson

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Five Days Later   

It was the shrill of a mobile phone ringing off the metaphorical hook that roused Sherlock and Adelaide in the early morning hours. She awoke first and nudged her husband, "Darling..."

"Mmm..," He groaned, tucking his head further into her shoulder, "Ignore it, Love.."

"And what if it's important, Sherlock?"

"Then they'd be calling your phone," On cue, his phone stopped ringing and Adelaide's ringtone filled the bedroom. Sherlock finally lifted his head and dropped it back on the pillows, "Fine. It's important. Go ahead." She rolled her eyes and propped herself up to reach her mobile, not bothering to check the caller ID as she answered the call.


"Oh- Um, hello, Adelaide! Sorry for calling you and Sherlock this early in the morning but erm, Mary went into labor yesterday eveninf and she's progressing steadily. Would you and Sherlock be able to take Rosie now?"  John rattled off over the phone, audibly tired and stressed. Adelaide cleared her throat and switched on her lamp, sitting all the way up in bed.

"No, no, no! That's perfectly alright, John! No need to apologize! Do you want us to come pick her up now?"

"They're getting ready to take Mary to the hospital, I presume?" Sherlock yawned. She nodded and he stretched, sitting up, "I'll go ahead and get ready then."

"No, we'll drop her off on our way. Say, a half hour?"

"Alright. We'll be ready, John," The blogger said a short goodbye and then hung up. Adelaide yawned and stretched before throwing back the duvet and swinging her legs over the side of the bed, "Well, it seems like things are speeding up for Mary. John sounded pretty nervous."

Sherlock half-chuckled as he buttoned up a simple blue shirt and tucked it in, "Probably because last time we barely made it to the hospital before Rosie made her appearance and Mary was the opposite of docile. She shoved me into the car window en route and all but cursed the entire way."

"Oh dear. I hope this time's easier for them then." Adelaide remarked with a sleepy smile. She pulled a brush through her waves and pulled them into a ponytail, throwing on a tea length, loose house dress. Satisfied, she exited the bedroom and entered the kitchen to put on some tea. Sherlock haphazardly tossed on his tartan dressing gown, let Teddy out of the crate, and followed her.

She giggled when he looped his arms around her and let his hands rest over her definite, although small, baby bump. He nuzzled her cheek, "She made us wait and now she seems eager to prove her presence."

"Maybe!" Adelaide chirped, twisting to meet his lips for a kiss. Sherlock hummed pleasantly and reciprocated, before releasing her and taking Teddy out. They were barely able to finish their tea before the Watson's car pulled to the curb. Sherlock went out and retrieved Rosie and her bag, allowing the blogger and ex assassin to be quickly on their way.

The soon to be big sister was cranky about having been torn out of bed so early, but with the help of a couple cookies and a short story, she soon dozed off. Adelaide expanded the futon and tucked her in, electing to lounge in her silver chair with her newest book on birds. Teddy snuggled up next to Rosie. Sherlock took to his chair for a while before returning to the kitchen to work on an experiment. When he checked in with the girls nearly an hour later, Adelaide had curled up and fallen asleep too. Fortunately, it's a day off for her. 

Sherlock picked her up and carried her back to their bedroom, tucking her in with a kiss before returning to his experiment and watching Rosie. He had worked through to mid morning when John called him again to announce Alexander's arrival, sounding as excited as he had with Rosie. Apparently the little boy had given them a scare when the cord wrapped around his neck, but both Alexander and Mary were doing great. John gave the all clear for Sherlock and Adelaide to come around with Rosie later, and then the call ended.

The consulting detective then set about waking up Adelaide, and once she had gotten freshened up he got Rosie dressed while she pulled breakfast together. The little girl could not stop chattering about her new baby brother and how excited she was to meet him. After eating their fill and informing Missus Hudson, the three left for the hospital.

Mary had just finished feeding Alexander when there was a knock at the door, "That should be them." She hummed to John, who got up to let their visitors in. Rosie burst in first, launching at her father.


"Oof! Hello, Rosie!!" He greeted, swinging her up into his arms as the Holmeses walked in. The adults shared a round of hellos and congratulatory comments.

Rosie looked past her dad and saw Mary on the cot, smiling brightly, "Mummy!" She reached and John carried her over, adjusting his grip on his daughter so she could see. Adelaide and Sherlock stepped closer, holding hands as they watched the Watsons.

The now big sister was adorably perturbed by the cooing baby in her mum's arms, eyeing him before reaching down to touch the tip of his nose, "Hello, Alexander." 

Alexander wrinkled up his pink face and rasped a brief cry of surprise in response, but the nose boop didn't seem to bother him much. Mary let her investigate her new brother for a few more minutes before asking if Adelaide or Sherlock would like to hold their godson. Sherlock declined while Adelaide stepped forward. Mary gently transferred Alexander to the zoologist, who carefully cradled the newborn, whispering softly to him. Sherlock came up behind her, observing them with intense focus. 

The Watsons exchanged knowing smiles as they watched the expectant parents. Mary pulled John down and whispered, "Just think. It won't be long until this scene is reversed." 

John chuckled, "What a day that will be." 

Thank you for reading! See you in the next chapter!!

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