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Just as an FYI, this is a rewrite of the previous book by the same title. It's the same except Deku doesn't turn into a villain as quickly (I did it way too fast, :/)



its not as bad as "Brainwashed" (please dont read that- xD) but its still got that good, good cringe

also: some things that happen make little to no sense and I realize that but at the time I was like "hEY PLOT-" so im sorry about that xDD

Anyways, continue on, pershun!


-x- Midoriya's POV -x-

Huffing, I ran to catch up with Uraraka and Iida.

"Hey guys, wait up!" I called out, causing them to stop.

Uraraka spun around. "Huh?" A bright smile appeared on her face, her cheeks becoming pink. "Oh, hey Deku!!"

"Oh, Midoriya! We were waiting for you, but you didn't come out, so we just headed towards the station. I apologize," he bowed.

I laughed awkwardly, shaking my head. "No, really, it's okay Iida. You don't have to apologize." I scratched the back of my neck, giving a nervous laugh. "I just... " My face turned bright red, and I began to mumble. "Accidentally locked myself in the bathroom stall..."

Iida dramatically gasped, feigning distraughtness. "WHAT A TREACHEROUS DOOR! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT PLOTTED AGAINST YOU LIKE THAT!"

I stared blankly at him as he began to laugh.

"It was a joke, Midoriya." He raised his brow, "You know, I'm not all serious."

Waving my hands back and forth, I attempted to apologize. "Huh? Oh yeah! Sorry. Just kinda confused me, that's all!"

"You know, Deku, for someone who always asks people not to apologize, you sure do it a lot!" Uraraka joked.

Grinning sheepishly, I joined them.

"So, you guys doing anything anytime soon?" I asked.

Uraraka turned to me, "Why, are you planning something?"

"Yeah, I don't really have much to do anytime soon. Was wondering if we could hang out. Maybe... Saturday?"
Uraraka smiled apologetically. "Sorry, Deku. Can't make it then. Going out with the family."

Following her, Iida nodded sadly. "Yes, I am busy as well. I'm visiting my brother in the hospital. Sorry, Midoriya."

"Oh, no! It's totally okay! Maybe another time, then?" I suggested, "Family always comes first! Besides," I reminded them, "Summer is just around the corner! Now that we've finished internships, we can relax a bit."

"Yeah, sounds good!" Uraraka exclaimed.

Iida nodded, drifting from the group, "Yes, definitely. Now, I must be going now. See you two soon!"

"Same for me, Deku," Uraraka said, waving me goodbye.

"See you guys later!" I called out cheerfully.


The cool breeze brushed my skin as I wandered, the night air being a perfect temperature for a nice walk.

I took in a deep breath as green tufts of hair floated about, tickling my forehead.

"Too bad Uraraka and Iida couldn't join me," I whispered to myself, "But I'm sure I'll see them soon enough."

A smile on my face, I strolled around the neighborhood, eventually coming to an unfamiliar area. Strange... Did I take a wrong turn or something?

Sighing, I peeked around the corner, revealing a busy street. This doesn't seem right...

Attempting to find my way, I continued to wander, finding myself in an alleyway before I gave up. Sinking down against the wall, I sighed, exhausted. Biting my lip, I attempted to think of a plan, when a chill ran down my spine.

W-what was that...?

A feeling of extreme dread washed over me as my eyes darted around, vision hindered by the lack of light. "Hello...?" I called out, "Is... Is anyone there?"

Legs shaky, I pushed myself up, making my way towards a shadowy figure. The lights flickered, the hairs on my neck rising. Gulping, I continued. "W-who are you?" I whispered, my voice trembling.

Peering at the figure, I saw that they were smirking-looking at me. No, my eyes widened, Something behind me.

Suddenly, I felt hands cup over my mouth, shoving me down into the ground. Unable to keep my balance, my body fell flat onto the pavement, a sharp pain shooting through my knee as it was scraped.

"Hey," I said, hissing. I began to charge One For All up when I remembered what the police had said. No using quirks without a permit.

As the green electricity faded, the lights once again dimmed, my inability to use my quirk giving the figure an advantage.

It's fine, I thought, I can always use normal combat if it comes with it.

"Who are you?" I asked, careful to keep my voice steady. Confidence might put them off.

Without a moment's notice, they lunged towards me, their shoulder brushing mine as they ran off.

Worrying that it might be a villain, I swallowed, chasing after the shadowy person. "Hey, come back!"

Tackling them to the ground, I allowed myself to catch my breath. "What are you doing here? Why did you push me?!" I questioned.

Instead of responding, the man smirked, a small laugh escaping their lips.

"Answer me!" I ordered, being cut off before I could continue.

My eyes widened as the man suddenly pressed his fingers against my temples, power flowing through them and into my skull. "Hey! What are you... You..." I whispered, falling to my side as exhaustion overtook me.

A voice called out to me, enticing me to sleep. I felt my body become heavy as my consciousness faded, a fuzzy sensation overwhelming my brain. Before I knew it, I was gone.


woo rewrite

Thanks for reading! <3

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