12. just like super-man

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Warning: contains suicidal contents. If you don't feel comfortable reading you could message me and I could tell you the content of the chapter.

Chapter 12


What do i know about death? or how it feels like to be dead? i simply don't. But i just don't know how or why but i have been feeling like a part of me is dead ever since i woke up from this accident, and i could not help but feel like i am familiar with the feeling, like i felt it before. It doesn't even have to do with the lack of using my powers anymore, because i have been using it all day yesterday, plus that i have been feeling this feeling for a while now, and it feels familiar.

After the doctor's appointment yesterday, no one talked about what the doctor said. My parents and brothers took it as a good sign, even though the doctor looked panicked and surprised by it. I couldn't help but feel my mother and father looked panicked yet still relieved. They tried to convince me that it was fine and good, while me, i feel like there is something so wrong with me. Dylan assured me that it was okay, considering we think that it has to do with the abilities we have.

"so how was the doctor's appointment?" Lou asked as we were walking down the street, probably for the last time for a long while.

i looked at her, "it was good," i shrugged it off. i was helping her pick up a few things from the store she needed before moving.

"define good." she said.

"good results, except with the memory coming back thing." i said as i looked up front.

"sorry i couldn't be there for you. I had a lot of packing to do and my parents wouldn't leave me alone till i finished all of it." she apologized.

"nah, it's okay." i smiled, "you're here now, and plus i wouldn't wanna hold you back."

"you would never hold me back." she said firmly. "so. who did you take with you for moral support chika?" she asked as she linked arms with me. smiling

"Why are you smiling? and who would you think i would take?" i asked.

"i know about a certain Dylan you seem interested in," she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"I am never telling you about him ever again." i laughed. "we're just friends. like i told you. we met at the tennis court. nothing interesting." i know. i lied to her too. Lying to everyone seemed like a habit in my life now, a habit as much as i hated so much, i do so much. I have to, so i can protect the people i care about and that have nothing to do with this. why drag them in this mess that i, myself, am not sure i am ready for.

"so did you take him with you?" she asked.


"ha! i knew it. i knew you!" she exclaimed..

"i am not telling you anything anymore." i smiled.

"you know you can't." she smirked. i shook my head laughing.

we turned around the corner, "so when are you leaving this friday?" i asked

she looked at me with a sad expression. i wouldn't mind i bet i had the same expression on my face, "flight leaves at 2PM we'll be there at 1PM and we'll leave at 12" she replied.

"i'll come with you to the airport." i decided.

"you don't have t-"

"i''l come with you to the airport." i repeated.

she smiled, "fine. i guess i'll have to see you one more extra time," she said rolling her eyes sarcastically, obviously joking.

"oh, you love me."

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