17. Bad eavsedroping habit.

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Pic of Scott on the side. You could imagine him any other way you wish.

Chapter 17

One week later.

I strapped my tennis bag closed and hung it to my bag along with my racket and headed off to the gate of the court. Coach Finn was trailing behind me to the exit of the gate too, while my bodyguard, Hank, and brother, this time Scott actually, was the one that volunteered to come and watch me play for the third time I played in 3 to 4 weeks.

You're probably wondering what I am talking or well thinking about technically. It's been one week since Dylan showed up to my house, and the a heart to heart with my bodyguard for the first and the only time ever since. I know that Dylan also paid a visit to my house a couple of times after that too, just like he told Caleb he would visit again. He did come again about three more times and he also tried contacting me by calls, texts, and telepathic signals. Me being me, ignored them since I have no idea what I want or what I should do anymore. I am still figuring it out.

That day my coach called and he told me I could start training that day, and me being emotionally suspended and wanting to drown the almost sadness I felt, I gladly accepted. I went one more time after that and then there's today. Dandy. Kidding.

I said goodbye to my coach and headed over to where Scott was sitting, along side him was Hank standing there eyeing me, or well watching over me. I just wanted to go somewhere and eat all i can eat, because you know when hunger gives you a headache and makes you feel dizzy. Yeah, that's pretty much it, and I don't think practicing makes it any better. I can actually hear my stomach growl right now so loud it might be mistaken for a wolf. As I was walking over to them I could feel my head lighten for a second and my balance completely failed me as I almost fell. Luckily I caught myself right before I actually hit the ground.

I shook my head, to shrug it off and get over it. It's probably the hunger, or the tiredness. As soon as my balance got back to me completely, and I was sure I would walk without losing it, I walked over to where my brother and bodyguard are at.

I flicked my brother's head in attempt to get him off his phone and pay attention to me, and Scott for the first time since we got here, actually put his phone away. Mental clap for my brother.

"Ready to go?" I asked, even though I believe he is the one supposed to ask me, but who cares right? Plus he looks too occupied in Facebook right now to care. I looked at Hank and he looked at me weirdly, as if asking me a silent question that is 'what was that?' I shrugged, and then shook it off.

"Yeah," he got up from his chair, "you did good out there." He nodded to himself. I mentally sighed. Good thing Scott didn't see that. He would have probably made a fuss out of nothing.

"Really?" I rose my eyebrows at his attempt to pretending that he was actually watching me, "I was terrible." I stated as a matter of fact, "did you actually watch? And by watch I mean did you bother looking at me play and not the vision you get from the tip of your eye that was buried to your phone."

"Of course I watched you" then he paused as If thinking. Smarty. "Your serve is pretty.. Fast?" He said 'fast' slowly as if thinking on wether or not that is the world, and it sounded like a question.

I looked at him and gave him the are-you-serious look, "you know what?" I straightened up, "how about we pretend this conversation never happened? I'll pretend you actually watched me play, and that you didn't lie about it. I really don't care wether you did or not."

"What? Did I do something wrong?"He asked confusingly. "Why don't you care?"

I just looked at him. "Are you serious, Scott?" I frowned. I could hear Hank sigh from next to us, probably irritatingly.

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