Chapter 43: Music University. (Music U.)

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3 days later
Thursday morning

Izuku's POV

"Hey Uraraka I will going to do something me and my friends have to go now it is so important we will be there waiting for you all." I said lying.

"Are you sure, Deku?" she asks I nod.

"Okay if you say so goodbye." she said I nod going to my room.

I open the door and go inside. "Troy get Lily dress and you too, we going to Music U." I said.

"Sure mom. Come Lily let's dress." he said getting dress.

I get dress too, wearing a maroon dress long black lace socks gloves and maroon heels.

It was just 6:00am my classmates maybe still packing we slowly go out of the my room locking it we quietly go to the elevator and go down

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It was just 6:00am my classmates maybe still packing we slowly go out of the my room locking it we quietly go to the elevator and go down.

When we got we immediately go outside I was carrying Lily while Troy carrying the bag. "Riya over here." I heard Kary said we walk to them Troy give John our bag and put in the compartment of the van.

"Get in, before someone sees us." Josh said we nod.

We got in me, Troy, and Lily are at the back of the van while the others are in front of it. "Whoo first time going out without teachers permissions." Nathalie said.

"Well I tell to Uraraka that we have an important thing to do." I said while Troy is sleeping beside me pulling him closer to me.

We then go out of the UA and go to Music U.
(Don't ask me how they got out easily.)


Todoroki's POV

We are all in the dining eating breakfast but Midoriya isn't here yet then Bakugo burst inside of the dining. "Yo, round face where's Deku!?" he asks Uraraka. What did he mean? Midoriya's gone!!?

"Well she said, she and her friends will be going to do something important she has her niece and nephew with her." Uraraka explained.

"Did she and her friends have permissions to the principal Nezu or to Mr. Aizawa?" Iida asks.

"I don't know maybe not." Uraraka said.

"Well we need to tell to Mr. Aizawa later." Iida said we agree and continue eating.

No one's POV

After they all eat Cementoss call them to go out of the building they took there stuff outside and Cementoss locked there building door. When Aizawa is checking there attendance he notice her future wife isn't there he started to get worried.

"Where's Midoriya?" he asks his students hiding his worriedly to his students. "Well Deku said she will go first, because she said she and her friends will do something important she has her niece and nephew with her." Uraraka explained to him.

A Teacher's Love. (Aizawa x Fem Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now