Chapter 39: Telling my family.

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I'm saying thank you for nana_academia1002 for giving me the names of Izuku and Shouta's daughter and son. I so thankful Nana-chan.

Izuku's POV

I was in the car now Shouta is driving us to my house but I'm not ready to tell my family about my condition today. "Shouta?" I said he hummed. "What is it my love?" he ask me sweetly.

"Are we going to tell auntie my condition you know the baby?" I ask he sigh and stop because of the red light. "I'm ready Izuku. Yes, we are going to tell them and don't worry I'm here for you." he said and drive I nod and fell asleep in the car.

3 hours later

Aizawa's POV

We arrived at Rose's house I woke Izuku up and we get out of the car. She was wearing a blue dress and a black not so high shoes.

 She was wearing a blue dress and a black not so high shoes

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She opens the gate and let me in and let herself in too while we are walking to her house I wrapped my arm around her slender waist and rubbed her belly making her calm down

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She opens the gate and let me in and let herself in too while we are walking to her house I wrapped my arm around her slender waist and rubbed her belly making her calm down. "Don't worry I assure you they will accept it." I said and she nod.

We made to the door and she opened it I then let go of her. Damnmit. We go to the living room to see the other teachers I met in the mall is here Rose look at us even the teens in the floor. "Mommy!!" Lily shouts and hug Izuku's leg tightly Izuku pick her up and carry her.

"Why are you two came here together?" Midnight asks. "I uh. I was driving when I saw Midoriya just walking I asks her where she is going she said to her house so I take her for a ride here." I lied in my normal sleeping toned voice they nod I sit next to Hizashi and we became to chat.

But I'm still keeping an eye of my future wife to keep her safe she was playing with her niece and nephew and her wild animal cats.

After 3 hours of chatting the other teachers leave I decided to left here because me and Izuku will going to tell her family the truth of us. "Ah Rose could I use the bathroom?" I ask Rose. "Sure Aizawa it is upstairs turn right third door." she said I nod and go upstairs in the bathroom.

When I found the bathroom I go in and lock myself I pull out my phone and text Izuku.

To Izuku: Are you ready my love?

Izuku is typing~~

From Izuku: Yeah I think so, but still nervous what will they react.

To Izuku: Don't worry my love they will accept it and don't be scared I'm here for you, okay?

Izuku is typing~~

From Izuku: O-okay I'm ready I'll wait you here downstairs.

I end the text and go out of the bathroom and go downstairs I go to the living room to see Izuku in floor playing UNO cards with her niece and nephew. I walk to them and sit at the floor besides Izuku. "Are you ready love?" I whispered to her and she nod.

"Auntie I- We want to tell you something." Izuku said they all look confused except for Troy and Kathe. Wait did Izuku told Kat-I mean the queen about us? "What do you mean 'we' Izuku?" Rose asks really confused.

"Well um uh." she can't say where she will start from her words I take deep breath and stand up. "Me and Mido-no I mean Izuku are together." I said they all shock even Rose, Zero, Mara, and Izuku's members. "NNAAANNNII!!!!????" D Acapella group said except for Izuku.

"Izuku you didn't tell me about this." - Zero.

"Sorry brother but decided to keep this from you all except for Troy and Kathe about us." -Izuku.

"Wait honey, Kathe and Troy knew about this?" -Rose.

"Yes auntie and their is still one thing to tell you but only auntie, brother, and Troy." -Izuku.

"But I wanna here it too." -Lily.

"Brother will tell you later honey but you have to stay her first to aunt Kathe okay?" Izuku said and Lily nod. "Okay dear let's talk about this at the backyard. Me and Izuku nod.

Troy and Zero stand up and starting walking to the back door with Rose so we followed them we got out side and we all sit in a small shed (The white stand or I don't know what calls that but you see that in chapter 3. I guess.) Rose, me, and Izuku were sitting whilr Zero and Troy are standing their arms.

Shit. I need to face my future soon.

Izuku's POV

"So dear, what do two want to tell us something?" auntie asks me I take a deep breath I was talk when Shouta speaks. "Izuku is pregnant Rose." he said the three of them are so shock they looked at me and I nod.

"Mom your pregnant, congrats mom. I'm so happy!" Troy said and hugged me I hug my SON back. "Awe thank you dear." I said smiling. "Izuku when did you knew about this?" brother asks still serious.

"Only this morning brother, why you asks?" I said he sigh and look at Shouta. "Mr. Aizawa could we talk alone?" brother asks, me and brother looked at each other and look back at them. "Sure Zero let's talk." Shouta said and stand up he give me a kiss in my cheek and walk away with brother.

Shouta, please be careful.

Zero's POV

Me and Mr. Aizawa walk out of the small shed we go inside the kitchen I let me sit and I sit in front of him. "Uncle Zero where's mommy?" Lily asks. "Go to the backyard dear mommy is their." I replied and Lily run outside.

"So what do you wanna talk about Zero?" he asks he looked at me and took a deep breath before talking.

"When did this happened Mr. Aizawa? I mean your 23 and she's 15 she is having her birthday in 3 months so..... What are you going to promise me, to protect my sister? I take care of her in this past 11 years ago. So, what will you do to protect my sister?" I said seriously.

"This is all happened when the day before Michael got arrested. Bakugi saved Midoriya he bring Midoriya to my dorm and he let me to treat her wound in the head so I take of it. Of course I'll protect my my love I take care of her to me the father of the baby that Izuku is carrying now I'm going to do what I can to protect them." he answered my question...  correctly.

He passed the test. My test.

"Well if pass the test Mr. Aizawa." I said smiling.

"Welcome to the family."

Eiffel: Yes dang is finish now chapter time finish 4:11am the couples are a sleep (They are not real they are just my imaginary friends.) So readers I hope you like my next chapter I love you readers be happy forever and thank you again for the names Nana-chan!!!

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