Bull x Reader (My Heart is Ticking For You) *Request*

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I heard three bangs and nine of those pellets hit me directly. I cried out and crawled backwards from the brawler. I had very little life left in me. I flipped on my back and looked behind me, I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

A little bot, half the size of Barley was smiling widely at me as his body twitched with all the raw power he had from the cubes. He was practically glowing green! Green bolts of lightning shimmered across his little figure, he had to have had at least twenty cube! How many people did this little fucker kill?!

His body blew off steam as he let off a high pitched noise that sounded like a cackle. This little shit ripped off his head and threw it at me, blowing me up completely.

I re-spawned in the death room and landed on my ass. I groaned as I got up and picked up my shotgun, swinging it over my shoulder.

"That was such bullshit!" I shouted as I exited the room.

I went to the front of the arena and spotted the round bot bouncing up and down in front of Jessie and (Y/N). "You did so well Tick!" I heard Jessie say as she dropped to the ground to give the little maniac a hug. Did...Did she make that thing!?

(Y/N) smiled down to them as they swayed back and forth. It soothed me in an odd way. Seeing them in general made me feel, not like Bull but, someone different.

Jessie got back to her feet and motioned to (Y/N). "Tick, this is my very good friend, (Y/N)! Remember them? They came over last weekend and helped us color those pictures." 

Tick looked to (Y/N) with happiness and hugged their legs where they stood. (Y/N) looked to the sky with a clutched fist to their chest as a tear rolled down their face. They slowly sat on their knees as they cuddled the bot into a hug.

I felt a vein pop in my head and my heart had an aching feeling all of a sudden. I wanted to go over there and rip that bot limb by limb but, I looked to (Y/N) again and they looked so happy.


Happy without me.

My anger sunk into sadness as I walked away and headed to Barley's place. I shouldn't stick around here any longer.


I went to Barley's and had a couple of drinks. Not too many but enough to give me a slight buzz. I looked around the bar and saw there was a few people I could go and pick on but I really didn't feel like bothering anyone.

All I wanted was to have (Y/N) here with me. I wanted to hold them close and never let go of them. They had my heart in their hands and I was terrified how easily they could toy with my emotions.

I shook my head and got up to leave the bar, trying to forget about my feelings. I'm Bull for God sake! Nobody should be able to effect me like this! How were they able to get to me so easily?!

As I was walking around I spotted that little bot again, what was his name again? Tick I think? My mind was clouded with jealousy, I envied how (Y/N) smiled around him and how they would hug and laugh with him.

I started walking over to the bot, ready to strike but, I saw Colt next to him and he pinned someone to the wall. The bot looked bothered at the red headed man and I moved a bit to see who he has cornered.

It was none other than (Y/N), they looked uncomfortable and leaned away from Colt, a bead of sweat rolled down their forehead. Everything inside me turned into anger, no, not anger... rage.

I blew steam out of my nose and came up with a quick plan, I knew how to help the angel chained to the wall by that pathetic man.

(Y/N's Pov)

I looked away from Colt and down to the floor, his hand was right next to my head and Tick was at my other side. I literally couldn't get away. "Thank you for the offer Colt but, I really don't want to." "It's just a date, you don't have to do much, I just want to take you out to lunch. My treat."

He winked at me as I avoided eye contact with him. "Please leave, I need to get Tick back to Jessie." "Oh come on-" Before he could finish his sentence, a dark figure rammed Colt and he flew six feet away from us.

I looked up to the giant figure and saw Bull. He was far from happy and the look in his eye had me very concerned. He stomped over to Colt, who was rubbing his head from the impact. Bull grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up to where he was dangling from his grasp.

Bull eyed Colt down and spoke in a low intimidating tone.

"Never bother (Y/N) again... Got it!?"

Colt grabbed at his shirt, nodding. "I-I got it!" Bull tossed Colt back another six feet and the poor man got to his feet and fled. Bull looked back to me and his face was red from anger. He started to walk away but, I grabbed his hand before he got away.

"Wait a second! I want to talk to you!" The man shivered at my touch, his ears went red as he turned towards me. He looked... intimidated. Why? He's the strongest brawler in Brawl Town! Why was he intimidated by me?

"You were a little harsh to Colt, don't you think?" He looked down to the ground, his face was just as red as Colt's hair and he looked really sad. "S-Sorry." The tone of his voice made me want to cry. He looked like a kid that was just scolded by their parent.

"You're fine! You don't need to look so disappointed." I moved to the front of him and gave him a hug. "Thank you for looking out for me." His arms trembled around my body, accepting the hug. We stayed there for a moment until I felt something wet hit my forehead and Bull started shaking. I looked up to the muscular man.

He was crying.

"W-What did I say!? Are you okay?!" He looked to the side, wiping away his tears. "I-I have somethin' to tell ya (Y/N)." I continued to stare at him as he wiped away tears. I brought my hand up and cupped his face in my hand, brushing away the liquid that fell from his eyes.

"You can tell me anything." He looked at me finally and put his hand on my shoulder. "I know."

 He took a deep breath and pulled away from me. "I think I've takin' a liking to ya. Every time I see ya face, my heart goes crazy and I feel bubbly inside." I barely believed what he was saying but, his eyes were filled with truth.

"I-I understand why ya wouldn't l-like a freak like me but-" I cut him off with a kiss. His face grew red and I pulled away. "You're not a freak! You never have been! People just don't know how to react to you, they're scared of you."

I put both my hands on his face. "I always was worried about you. I'm glad you opened up to me and I accept your feelings." His eyes widened and he gave me a goofy grin as tears fell from his cheeks once more.

"I-I don't know what to say." I smiled and gave him another kiss. He quickly accepted it and held me close. We were interrupted by Tick who was pulling on Bull's jeans. Bull looked down to the small bot annoyed.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." I sat on my knees and patted the ground next to me. Bull was confused but, he sat down on the ground where I patted. "Tick is really sweet. Tick, this is Bull. He is very important to me." Bull was flustered by my words but, Tick chirped at Bull and waved to him.

Bull chuckled and waved back. "Heya." I smiled at the two of them and got back to my feet, Bull did the same. "You want to walk with us? I got to take Tick back to Jessie." Bull smiled and took my hand.

"It would be an honor, my angel."

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed that one! Please vote for these chapters! If I get enough votes, I'll do a chapter explaining the Skull Creek mystery! :O   Thank you again for reading!

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