♤Chapter 6

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*Emma's P.O.V.*

I finished off my test quickly, the whole thing was a breeze. At least for me it was, I can't say the same for the ones crying in the front row. The period let out fairly quickly and before I could make it out of the classroom, I could hear Cameron in the halls. She was already throwing around orders to move out of her way.

I peeked out and I couldn't see her, but I could hear her somehow mixed in the crowds. She was coming from the left, so I ducked right, falling in with the foot traffic. I skipped my locker and went right into the library.

Honestly, I'm glad I got away, a nice headache was beginning to settle, and her screaming at me would've only made it worse.
I slipped pasted the librarian's desk and made my way into the back, where the forgtten encyclopedias lived. Needless to say, no one ever went back there.

I sat on the floor then assumed my usual position, with my legs pressed against my chest and my arms wrapped around myself. I let my head rest in my knees as I took a quick useless nap.

Suddenly my phone vibrated strongly in my pocket. I grabbed it and looked, expecting it to Cam but it wasn't.

It was Gianna. 

A smile involuntarily rose to my cheeks, when I read the message.

Gianna Banks: Where did you go? Did you run into King Kong? She's pissed

I chuckled at the name but that was short lived when I read the rest of the text.

I know she's mad.

Me: No I didn't run into Cameron, and I know she's upset, Mariah saw me and you in physics and I'm pretty sure she told. I'm in the back of the library btw.

Gianna Banks: want some company?

Me: no, you'll miss your class

Gianna Banks: I'll live

Me: Don't worry about it, I'll be here hiding from Cam until she leaves for practice.

There were text bubble, but then it disappeared and nothing ever came.

I hope she didn't get caught.

The bell had rang just two minutes ago, so the last period is now in session.

I folded back up, placing my phone in my sweaters pouch. Suddenly, I placed light footsteps and I expected them to pass but when they didn't I looked up from the floor. My eyes trailed up from black and white Van's, on to white calves, then Khaki cargo shorts and a black tee. My eyes finally stopped piercing blue eyes and a small smirk of joy swirled around in my chest. 

Her boyish smirk took me back to just an hour ago, and even back to the first time we spoke in the hall, when I dropped my books. She was so nice to me. Anybody else would've probably laughed, but she helped me.

In her eyes I could see it all.

She's truly kind.

He body plopped down next to mine and she sat in crisscross as she leaned her back against the same wall. Our shoulders just barely touched, but her hand brushed the side of my thigh when she moved around to get comfortable. 

I was still peeking at her from my hood and sleeve covered face. This time it was out of warmth and comfort, the air conditioning in the library was always on, even in the winter.

"Can I see your phone?" The question ripped through the air with soft rounded vowels at lightening speed.

My hand shook then complied as I pulled it from my person and put it in her welcoming hand.

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