King and Lionheart

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Yoonkook One Shot
Unrquited Love with Happy Ending

A quick playlist that inspired this fanfic:
· Instant Crush by Daft Punk & Julian Casablancas
· Lion by Hearts & Colors
· Broken by Lovelytheband
· We Sink by Of Monsters and Men
· Slow Life by Of Monsters and Men
· If Only You by Danny, Therese

Please Enjoy!

Words: 58 762


"As the world comes to and end
I'll be here to hold your hand
Cause you're my king
and I'm your Lionheart"

It's always the same.

They sort out the rooms. Pulling the straws; rock, paper scissors; take the papers out of the hat. The method is as useless as the game itself but they always do the same when they visit Namjoon's parents' house at the beach. The seven of them go through the same ritual every second month, enjoy a weekend away from exams, papers, projects, homework and stress. In a way is the day they all look forward to the most. Always on the third weekend of every second month. Rain or shine, exam period or vacation. Is always the same and in a way, it had become such a custom, they found it impossible to live without now.

It is not different today as they sit around in a circle, taking papers out of an old beach hat. "Who's three?" Hoseok asks, Jungkook raises his hand "I'm three!" they make a little celebration. "I'm a two" Yoongi says "You're with me!" Jimin replies, they high five and smile at each other as Namjoon, Seokjin and Taehyung discover they're gonna be sharing a room for the night. Laughs and smiles follow the ritual of sorting rooms, pizza in the middle of the fancy table in the middle of the living room. "We're going to have a room for ourselves tonight, eh Jiminie?" Hoseok teases, Jimin laughs "We sure are!" Chim is quick to reply, turning an accusatory look in Yoongi's direction and the latter smiles.

It's always been like this.

It being as customary as the day at the beach every third weekend within two months itself. Whoever got Yoongi or Jungkook as roommates, would ultimately end up with a room and a bed for themselves. No matter who they were paired to be with, Yoongi and Jungkook always sneak out of the places they've been sorted into to sleep together in the attic room that no one else likes. The reason? Yoongi and Jungkook are best friends. They have known each other the longest within the group, therefore always claiming they have more 'friendship rights' or whatever that means. No one complains though, if it wasn't for them, they wouldn't even be such a solid group of friends. It had been Yoongi and Jungkook who introduced them to each other and they have been the ones to start this wonderful friendship while they were still in the initial years of college.

"Don't take the pillow with you this time, though" Hobi tells Jungkook, who only shrugs. "I needed a second pillow that time, don't complain" Jungkook answers with a wide smile. "You could just hug Yoongi- hyung and not take the pillows though" Taehyung adds, because much like everyone else, he has also been left alone by his roommate more than once. Jungkook chuckles, but in reality, he doesn't really find the comment to be funny. Not at all.

And that has a very valuable reason. Jungkook can't freely hug Yoongi, no matter how many times they share a bed at night. He allows himself to be hugged but unless Yoongi does it first, Jungkook never comes close because it means too much for him and too little to his hyung. All because, the ugly truth is that he's in love with Yoongi, has been for years and has never spoken a single word about it, not to Yoongi, at least.

Jimin and Taehyung do know though and they have seen him at his best and worst stages of being in love with his best friend, who most certainly does not love him back.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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