Behind The Scenes: Extra I

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From Behind The Scenes© Series.

Extra I: Future Family


The talk between Namjoon
and Yoongi
that settled their issues.


"We'll continue this later" Namjoon stated but Yoongi was not willing to prolong this any longer. "No, we continue this now. But just you and me" he said, using a stern tone as if to remind Namjoon that even if he was the leader, Yoongi was still his elder. Of course, Joon had no choice but to oblige. Yoongi stood up and walked away, signaling for Namjoon to follow him, which the leader did. "I'll go too" Jungkook worded out but Yoongi was quick to grab the maknae by the waist. "No, you go to Taehyung. We'll talk later" he said using a serious yet sweet tone. Jungkook just nodded.

Yoongi was not blind, he had very clearly noticed how hard the news about his relationship with Kookie had hit Tae. And he had also noticed Jungkook's reaction to Taehyung's outburst. This was something he'll need to discuss with Jungkook later on. But right now, everything he wanted was to solve out his ongoing troubles with Namjoon.

Yoongi knew he was about to have a very heavy conversation. One that he would usually hold in his studio, but given the nature of the situation, he chose to go to his and Jin's bedroom instead. Somewhere not locked and where members could easily find them. Just in case.

Namjoon, on the other hand, was feeling a bit nervous. Talking with Yoongi one on one while the latter was upset is usually a recipe for disaster. Not only for him, but for everybody. Yoongi was quiet, loving, sweet, caring and tender until he got mad. In such a state, Suga was able to expose even the most hidden weaknesses in people, exploit those if he so wished. He could drive anyone to tears without having to raise his voice at all. It was a good but sort of lethal trait of his hyung's. One that was only known by the members who had personally seen that side of Yoongi's personality in full action.

He watched as Yoongi opened the door of his and Seokjin's bedroom. Namjoon had to admit this was rare. He thought they'd go into the Genius Lab. Mainly because the talk they were about to have could easily turn into a heated argument. One that could use some soundproof walls. Still, Namjoon followed his hyung inside. Immediately walking to the right side of the bedroom that belonged to Yoongi. It has been a good while since he had last stepped in here. He found it to be a lot less messy than the last time he went looking for Yoongi there, of course this could be due to the fact that the rapper now spent a good amount of time in Jungkook's bedroom and not in his own.

He took a seat on the black chair near the desk. Watching as Yoongi sat on his bed with his head fully facing him. No expression on his face. That alone was a sort of bad indication for what was coming next.

"Namjoon- ah" Yoongi started softly. "I really don't want to continue fighting you..." He went on but Namjoon soon interrupted. "Then stop this madness you're doing" Namjoon spoke, his mien as serious and stern as Yoongi's.

"That's not an option" Yoongi was quick to reply. Immediately dismissing the idea. "It is the only option, hyung. If you really want us to be what we were...and by us, I mean the whole of us not just me and you" Namjoon retorted, looking hopeful as Yoongi's mien softened. He started to believe that maybe he had finally gotten his point across. That, until Yoongi spoke again.

"Don't make me choose, Namjoon" Suga's eyes looked at him with ferocity. "Because it'll be Jungkook. No matter the options you give me" he said without the slightest bit of hesitation in his voice. It made Namjoon incredibly frustrated. "Why is it that you are so blind, Suga- hyung? You were always one of the most rational ones among us and now this. It's unbelievable"

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