Chapter 16

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Sorry I didn't upload sooner. I was caught with some work.


Hearing my scream, few of the werewolves ran to us, but I didn’t register anything that happened afterward.

Zander moved fast when he saw the head. He quickly pulled me out of the room, “Do you know her?”
I nodded and told him that she was 
my mom and saw that his eyes 

He took me to a guest room and kissed my forehead, and he left when Lucy came.

Lucy forced me to sleep, but the minute I closed my eyes I saw the bloody head. I rushed to the bathroom and puked everything I ate for dinner.

Lucy was behind me, holding my hair up, comforting me. 

The whole time I didn’t cry. I tried to but I couldn’t. I didn’t like my mom; in fact, I hated my mom. But I knew no one deserved that kind of death.

I closed my eyes and I saw her again. I ran to the bathroom and started dry heaving again.

Lucy was there that time too. 

I saw her giving me a worried look, and she tried to talk to me. 
But I couldn’t open my mouth to say anything.

I barely heard the door open. I was lost in my own thoughts.
After a few minutes I heard the door open again,and I turned to see Lucy holding that looked like ginger ale.

I opened my mouth to protest, but she beat me to it, “Don’t fight. It’s good for your stomach.”

I took it from her and drained the whole thing. I didn’t realize I was thirsty. My stomach felt a lot better.

Lucy took the glass put it aside and sat down next to me. The minute she did, I curled up next to her; I put my head to her shoulder, my arm went around her body. I tried to not think the blood, or how scary her eyes were. It didn’t work out, I felt myself welling up.

 Within minutes, I was crying. Not crying, bawling. My whole body was shaking with loud ugly noises. 
I didn’t cry for my mother. She was never a mother to me. 

I didn’t have one good memory with her. No, I cried because no one deserved that kind of death. She might not have been a great mother, but she put food in my plate and a roof over my head. I cried for her pain and humiliation. I cried for her death.

I heard the door open and I felt big, warm hands around my waist and my knees lifting me up. I knew it was Zander; I put my hands around his neck pulling him closer and stuffing my face to his chest. I wanted him to absorb me. I felt us moving again, and I was now sitting on him.

I didn’t know how long I was crying. But I felt the tension leaving my body, my eyes heavy with tears and my cheeks paining. I had stopped crying, and only painful hiccups were leaving my body.

I felt Zander putting me down the bed and leaving me. I felt weird and cold. I was about to ask him to come back when I felt a glass to my lips.

“Water. You cried a lot. You need to hydrate”, he told.

I took the glass from him and emptied it. It felt good.
As I put my glass near the bed stand, Zander put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer.

“We need to talk,” I told him, my voice scratchy from all the crying.
He kissed my hair, “Tomorrow. You need to sleep. You had a long 

I didn’t know if I could sleep after that, but Zander needed sleep. So, I tried to relax and not to think about anything that happened today.


I looked at myself in the mirror, and I tried not to cringe. My hair was a mess; my face was swollen, my eyes were bloodshot, my nose red and my lips bleeding.


I quickly undressed and went to shower. After last night, I didn’t want to step inside the room.
 So, Lucy went and bought a few things.

 I was thankful that I had Lucy. I really didn’t know how I could have handled all this alone.
I quickly got out of the shower and got dressed. 

Normally I would have taken my time, but being the shower too long means I wouldn’t get answers.

I wanted to know why my mother was killed. Why now? Only Zander and Violet knew about the things she did if you don’t count her drug friends. And I didn’t even tell Zander half of the things she used to do.

Even if they killed my mom, why put on that show? Just thinking about it made my stomach turn.

The only explanation is that Jack needed his money, and he is scaring me into paying. 

I still can’t understand how he got inside the pack house without being noticed by anyone. 

The other thing is how Zander couldn’t smell anything suspicious before we entered the room.

 I knew werewolves had some high power of senses. Suddenly something flashed to me and my body felt numb.
Black magic! Of course, that would explain it.

 I read black magic was involved even the angels don’t sense anything. 
But it still doesn’t explain why Jack freaking Windsor would be involved in black magic. 

He is a human and according to what I read only someone supernatural with some power can sustain the power of black magic.

Frustrated, I applied some makeup quickly. It was no use, though. I still looked tired.
I got dressed and mentally prepared myself to face the day.

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