Chapter 18

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After what seemed like ten years, I heard the door open.

Zander entered his face hard, but his eyes ran over me as if to make sure I was okay. My heart fluttered at that.

I got up and walked towards him when Liv walked out of the room pulling Lucy. As Lucy was leaving, she looked back at me and started making kissy faces. I rolled my eyes at her. I was just glad Zander didn’t see that.

Zander looked at me suspiciously.

I stopped walking when there was one arm distance.

“Hi,” I breathed out.

Zander narrowed his eyes at me and crossed his arms on his chest.

I never did this. I didn’t know how to apologize. It was Violet’s job.  This is really difficult and embarrassing.

I closed my eyes, “I’msorryforactinglikeabitch,” I told him in one breath.

I opened one eye to see that he was looking at me with an amused expression.

“What did you say?” he asked trying not to laugh.

Yep, clearly amused.

I sighed loudly as if this was difficult to say. It was indeed difficult.

“I’m sorry……for everything,” I told him.

His hand curled to my forearm and pulled me towards him.

I put both my hands to his chest as I looked up at him ignoring the tingles.
“I didn’t know what I was thinking. I was avoiding your pack and your wolf. I didn’t think about it. I was just protecting myself. I was acting like a bitch-”

Zander cut me off by growling, “Don’t say that.”

“Say what?” I asked him confused.
His hand cupped my cheek, “You were not acting like a bitch. I don’t even think you know how to act like one.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “I can act like a bitch.”

His lips twitched, “Really? Say a bad word.”

I snapped at him, “What’s that to do with anything?”

“It’s difficult for me to believe that someone who can’t curse can be a bitch,” he told his eyes dancing.

“Why are we having this conversation?” I asked him irritated.

He raised an eyebrow, “You started it.”

Since he was right and being this close is affecting my ability to think. I tried to get away from me.

But his hand went to my waist and tightened. His other went behind my head and pulled me closer. He bent down, and I had no other option but to put my hands around his neck.
His lips were touching mine, but he wasn’t kissing me.

“So am I forgiven?” I asked him.
“Baby, you didn’t do anything that required forgiving,” he told me softly.

“Uh… what about your wolf?” I started blushing, “I kinda ignored him. It’s not that-” I stopped talking when I felt his body freeze. I stopped looking at his lips and looked up to see his wolf was talking over.

Oh god! What did I do now?

I tried to get away from him, mumbling frantically, “Sorry. Sorry. I don’t know what I did. It’s really difficult -”

I stopped talking as Zander’s lips crashed into mine. He growled and I opened my mouth. He started kissing me harder. One of his hands slowly moved to my ass, cupping it and I felt my knees buckle. I instantly put my legs around his waist, and he groaned at the new position.

He pulled away after a few seconds. I was panting. This is by far the best kiss I had in my life. I know I say that to every kiss but could you blame me.

I looked at him and saw his eyes were closed as if he was concentrating on something else.

“What was that for?” I asked him once I was able to control my breathing. He opened his eyes and saw that it was guarded, “Not that I didn’t like it,” I finished quickly grinning at him.

He looked at my mouth and his eyes narrowed at them, “My wolf liked that you were worried about him.”

“Oh! Well, that’s good,” I whispered.

He groaned, “You will be the death of me. I need to go. There is a meeting and I have to attend.”

Damn! That’s disappointing.

“When will you be back?” I asked him.
“I will be back today itself. I don’t like the idea of you sleeping alone,” he said frowning, “Tomorrow we have important stuff to discuss. Steve will be with you for now. Do not go anywhere without him. He can protect you. Okay? ” he asked giving me a squeeze.

I frowned at this. I like Steve but the idea of someone there to protect me was bad. Still, I nodded.

“I know you don’t like it. But he is a part witch, he can sense if there is some black magic near you.”

I nodded at him this time understanding.

“Go to your meeting. I will visit Zack and help Steve with the research.”

Zander gave me a soft peck on the lips and let me down, “If you feel anything wrong. Tell someone, don’t go investigate it yourself.”

I glared at him.

I heard someone knocking at the door, “May I come in?” I heard Steve shouting.

Zander rolled his eyes and went and opened the door.

Steve was leaning on the wall, grinning stupidly at us.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Zander warned him.

“Of course not,” he scoffed. His face got all serious and looked at Zander, “I have some bad news, though. My mom told your parents about everything that’s going on, and they are coming to visit us.”

My eyes widened, Zander parents are coming?

Zander sighed, “Is your mom coming?”

Steve scrunched his nose, “Yes. At least this time she will be busy with the protective spells. I doubt anything will happen like last time.”

“What happened last time?” I asked them curiously.

Steve shuddered, “I will tell you later.”
Zander turned to me. He kissed my forehead, “I will be back soon. Inform Maria that I won’t be able to visit Zack today.”

I nodded at him and I watched him go.

“You need to help me,” I turned to Steve.

Steve noticed that I was going to freak out, “Hey calm down. What happened?”

“I don’t know anything about the supernatural stuff. Whatever I learned that day is clearly not useful, and Zander’s parents are coming and I don’t want to look like a stupid -”

“Hey! Stop it. Don’t freak out. Zander’s parents are cool, and I will teach you whatever you want to know. Okay?”

I nodded taking a deep breath trying to calm myself.

“So you ready to visit Zack?” Steve asked me.

“Yea. Have you seen my phone?” I asked Steve. Yesterday with everything that was happening I forgot to call Violet. She is going to freak out.

“What happened to yours?”

“I don’t remember where I put it,” I frowned trying to think, “Maybe it is in the room. But I don’t want to go in there again.”

“I will send one of them to search the room. Use my phone until then,” he said giving me his blackberry.

“Thanks. I wanted to make a call, but I will do it after we visit Zack.”

Steve nodded, and we both started walking with Steve blabbering about his new game.

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