Chapter 11

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I'm really sorry for the grammatical errors.
I know the story is going slow, I'm sorry for that but it's going to get interesting.
Soon. I promise.

Lucy guided me to what seemed like a living room. I stood there observing the room.

There was a huge television in front of us. A huge sofa and some chairs were facing the television. The room looked like it needed some work done. It looked fine but was seriously outdated.

Lucy sat on the chair and patted the one next to her.
I walked and sat down.

I turned to her, “I have a lot of questions.”

“I know. Trust me. At least you didn’t faint or contact the police as I did. Tyler had to take me away for a while. Alpha was so pissed at me, but he eventually calmed down. ”

I giggled at that.

“I was close to fainting before. Zander calmed me down, though. How did you guys meet?”

“They had a pack meeting in my town. I was dating a guy. It wasn’t serious, though. He was leaning in to kiss me when out of nowhere Tyler pushed me away and started hitting the guy.”

My eyes widened at this.

“It took me a few minutes to break out of the trance, and with all my might I tried to push him away, but the minute I touched him, my whole body started tingling, and I noticed that he calmed down immediately with my touch.” Lucy’s face broke into a smile thinking about the memories, “He turned towards me, and the minute I saw his eyes my world stopped. His eyes were wild, and I was leaning towards him. He pulled me towards him and shouted ‘MINE’, and I fainted.”

I laughed at her story.

“So how did you guys meet?”

I told her everything leaving my mom and the knife incident. It was my problem, after all, I need to solve it.
“Well. It’s better than my story.”

“I need to go back, Lucy. I have um...Some stuff to do.”

“I understand. Even I had to give up my life. I was accepted at Harvard and honestly, I wasn’t ready to give up everything I had worked for, so I left him but I couldn’t even stay one day without him. It was like torture. I could feel myself dying. It was horrible. ”

I frowned at this.

“Look I know I might not be making sense but our Alpha needs you. An Alpha’s wolf is not like regular wolves. They are harder to control and once they are in their wolf form they are ruthless, they kill everything that comes in their way, and only their mates can control them. With everything that is going on right now your mate needs you more than ever.”

“I’m just a human Lucy, how can I possibly control someone like that? I think there was some fault or something.”

Lucy smiled at me, “Moon goddess decides the mates. If she chose you as Zander's mate, that’s because you are perfect for him. She never makes any mistakes, and besides even I’m a human and I fought a werewolf and won.”

I looked at her surprised, “What?”

“Another time. Did you have dinner?”
I shook my head.

Her eyes widened, “It’s midnight. Come on let’s feed you.”

She got up and took me to another room. It was a kitchen and a pretty big one. It was filled with cool appliances. Violet would love it here.
I frowned when I thought about her. How will I explain this stuff to her?
She would never believe that I just met a guy, and moved in with him. It's going to be difficult to explain without the werewolf part.

Lucy made pasta, and it smelt wonderful. I just focused on eating trying not to think.

I looked over at Lucy, and she looked like she was concentrating on something hard.

I was about to call her when she came out of the trance.

She looked at me, “Alpha is going to be late. You better get some sleep.”

I looked at her with confusion, “How did you know?”

“I spoke to Tyler,” she said pointing to her head.

“You can do that? I thought only pack members can do that.”

“Well when a mate marks you, you are a part of the pack.”

That’s when I saw her marking. It was on her neck, it was clearly marked to show off others. I could see the two teeth marks. It was still red and looked raw.

“It really looks like a vampire bit you.”
She laughed at this.

“Did it hurt?”

She smirked at me, “Your mate can answer that.”

Well okay then.

I really was curious about something, “Hey, I have never heard you calling Zander his name and the way Chris reacted….”

She cut me off, “It's disrespectful to call the Alpha by his name and Zander’s wolf is too powerful for us to call him by the name. His wolf won’t be able to take that.”

That was scary, but I didn’t say anything.

She guided me to a flight of stairs that was attached to the kitchen, and she took me to the third floor.

The whole time I was thinking about whatever happened today, I still was finding it very difficult to understand the concept of all this, and the fact that Steve Windsor might be searching for me didn’t make it any easier. I know Zander told that he would pay, but it didn’t seem right.
After what seemed like forever we finally arrived at his floor.

Lucy opened the double doors, and as soon as she switched on the lights my mouth dropped open. It was gorgeous. The room looked like it was some suite in a posh hotel. The whole room was decorated in black and grey, I would have liked some color though.
The bed was huge. On top of the bed, I could see the bags that we bought. I had totally forgotten about that. I looked and around the room and saw two doors; I guessed one was the bathroom and the other one closet.
The windows were huge and the curtains closed blocking the outside world. The opposite side of the bed I could see books, and I literally jumped with joy.

I turned to see that Lucy was also looking at the room with awe.

“Is this my room?”

She looked at me, “No it’s the Alpha’s.”

My eyes widened, “Lucy I can’t..”

Before I opened my mouth to say anything, she cut me off, “Alpha’s orders.”

I frowned at this.

“I got to go if you need anything just think of Zander. He can feel you.”

I nodded.

Her eyes got serious, and she looked at me with such intensity that I had to stop myself from squirming, “Let him in Thalia, don’t fight it.”

She closed the doors bidding me goodbye.

Well, that was weird.

I turned to the room and sighed, sleep is going to be difficult.

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