19. Parents

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Jin was driving while namjoon sat in the backseat with an asleep Jiyoo, who definitely didn't want to come with them to some stupid restaurant. Yup, she was a very social girl but she wasn't in the mood! Namjoon was always in the limelight because of his business but he made sure that Jiyoo doesn't have much attention towards her and only introduced her to important people. He didn't want some crazy reporter going after her. But jin's parents were coming so it wasn't much of his choice.

Well, Moving on. The car stopped as jin turned around to talk some serious shit with namjoon.

"Listen, forget whatever I've told you before. About my dad's and my homophobic mom's expectations. Just act however you are, they should like you for the reasons I do, not because you were pretending to be a certain way", jin nodded to himself, completely serious.

Namjoon smiled. The smile where his eyes close and form beautiful cresents, where his lips curve upwards, and dimples so deep, that it made jin's little heart all warm and fuzzy that it hurt.

The first thing he did was lean forward and peck the raventte's luscious lips. The second thing he did was, open the first three buttons of his white dress shirt and roll his sleeves up until his elbows which made jin raise his brow in confusion.

Namjoon smiled again. "You said I should stay however I am. So, yeah, this is me. Kim Namjoon", he laughed slightly and winked at the end. Jin, who was staring the whole time snapped back and blushed furiously and turned his head back. Seems like he had a thing for winks.

Namjoon nudged Jiyoo lightly as she whined and opened one of her lids slowly. She looked up at namjoon with a tired face. The young dad sympathized with her. She didn't want to come but this was important. It was important to meet jin's parents as one, as a family.

Namjoon wanted to show jin's parents, even his mother, that he was the one. He was the one for their son. He was the one who could make him happy like he did. He was the one who could love him like he did. He was the one who could leave the world for him and his daughter. He was the one.

Yeah, he was the one.

Like jin said, he didn't want to pretend. Had never been the one to pretend. Always the one to show who he really was. Except for the times when he wants to cry, tears blur his eyes but he smiles, smiles for his family, his friends who were more than family to him. But that didn't count here. He decided he'd show jin's parents his honesty. His willingness to provide their son, all the love of the world. And with a daughter like his, namjoon was sure he would get their approval.

"We're here under Kim's", seokjin said, and the receptionist quickly checked the list and smiled kindly at the three. "This way, please", she said, instructing them to follow her.

"Honeybear! Here!", namjoon heard someone shout and jin groaned lightly under his breath. He looked over and saw an old man, maybe in his early 50s. Not to mention, he was ridiculously handsome, too. Jin groaned again as everyone stared their way but moved forward to hug him fondly. Must be his father. He thought, taking Jiyoo's hand and nudged her forward before returning the kind smile that the receptionist had offered.

When jin settled Jiyoo on the chair, and hugged the lady, only then did namjoon notice her sitting beside jin's father who looked rather uninterested in him but smiled brightly at her son. Must be his mom, he thought. Jin talked about her being a bit homophobic but that would have to change after tonight.

He kindly smiled and bowed to his partner's parents. Mr. Kim hugging him instead of shaking his hand took him a bit off guard but he was happy nonetheless.

"Oof! Finally you brought this fine man with you, honeybear!", He smiled and namjoon blushed at the sudden compliment. Well, he often got compliments about how handsome or sexy or hot he was. He often got compliments about his perfect proportions, too. He knew he was fine, it didn't faze him anymore. But coming from seokjin's father was something else, he was screaming on the inside.

Seokjin's mother looked reedy so namjoon felt uncomfortable as she gazed at him, more like glared at him.
Jin saw this but still kept a kind smile on his face. He sneaked a hand under the table and rested it upon namjoon's. Namjoon visibly relaxed as they looked at each other and smiled softly.

Seokjin's father nearly cooed at the couple while his mom rolled her eyes, feeling annoyed already.

"Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Kim! I'm Kim Namjoon. It's nice to meet you", namjoon said enthusiastically, smiling kindly.

To his surprise, jin's mom smiled too. It didn't look fake. Maybe the dimples worked! He should smile more often, maybe. Well, not like he doesn't already.

"We ordered snow crab sashimi a bit ago", jin's father states. "It should be coming soon", he smiles.

"No!", namjoon, jin and Jiyoo shouted at the same time. Seokjin's dad laughed awkwardly as the three blushed furiously. Namjoon nudged jin to say something.

"Umm...actually...Namjoon and Jiyoo don't eat seafood, especially crabs", he said, rubbing the back of his neck. Seokjin's father arched a brow, wanting jin to explain further.

"Hmm...Just because joo- Namjoon loves sea creatures, especially crabs. And Jiyoo has his genes so it came naturally to her", he smiled fondly, looking at the little girl who looked mortified. "She's a crab-lover, just like her dad", he carded his hands through the baby's hair to calm her down. Which she instantly did, leaning into her appa's delicate touch.

"Aww that's so cute", jin's dad smiled while his mom made no comments. Her expression did soften for a second but she quickly hid that with a stoic face.

Namjoon scoffed, jin was simply worrying over nothing. His dad is pretty nice and funny and his mom hadn't been much of a trouble despite what jin told him about her homophobic a- self.

The conversation went on smoothly. They laughed and talked about different things. His parents, more like his dad was pretty interesting.

"Where do you work, son?", jin's dad asked carefully. Namjoon looked up from his food before drinking his water and clearing his throat. "Actually, I'm the CEO of  Kim Corp. And we use our business for charities for children and the poor. In fact, 50% of our success profit goes to different organisations and from the rest of the money, we provide salaries and important requirements to our staff and ourselves",  he thought he might've sounded narcissist but that's what his company did. So, there was no need to feel boastful.

Seokjin's father looked impressed. He smiled, almost proudly as he gave namjoon's shoulder a slight pat and a little thumbs up.

His mother, however, suddenly seemed interested and somewhat impressed, too. "That's very nice. Our seokjin is also very nice. He also does charity and he just love kids! In fact-","It's okay, mom he gets it. Now let's just eat", jin cut his mom off before she could finish her sentence. Namjoon grew suspicious when Jin and his mom made eye contact and she closed her eyes and nodded, as if assuring him that his secret- whatever it was- was safe with her.

But namjoon didn't ask much thinking jin will tell him if he wanted to or whenever he was ready.

The rest of the dinner was nice and comfortable. They chatted and laughed and all in all had so much fun. Well, except jin's mom's mocking remarks on namjoon which he chose to ignore.

"Appa, I wanna go to the washroom", Jiyoo said, her voice soft, almost like a whisper as if she was embarrassed. Jin laughed fondly and nodded.

And as he was getting up, his mom chimed in. "I think I should go with her as I wanna use the washroom, too". Jin looked up at namjoon and he nodded.

 Jin looked up at namjoon and he nodded

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