But as time passed and Keith went on with the Blades, we both matured individually. Yet our relationship, no, teamwork was one of the easiest things to recover. It's like we just fit well. He listened and respected me. So when he came back, we just always had each other's back.  It was when she was giving me some pajamas before bed that she stopped me and said, "Love is weird. And sometimes you can't see it even when it's hitting you in the face. I'm not going to lie and it's for hella sure not easy! You're young but you helped my boy and I just want you to know that life is full of unpredictability, that's a fact. And it's not always clear what you should do or when. But I just want to say, there is no right time for falling in love. It just is. Don't waste it, sweetie. It's yours for the taking."

The she leaned in and gave me a hug. And for a minute it was like my mom was talking through her! My mom kept asking if I liked someone and I kept denying it. Finally she outright asked if I thought it was weird that I worked with so many guys that were interested and yet I was oblivious. I shrugged it off. Eventually she asked about Keith and I after one of our lunches. And I kept telling her that we had work to do and there was time to fall in love later. But, honestly, talking about love just made me uncomfortable. I really valued our friendship and I can't do anything that would jeopardize it. Not without proper data to prove that a change in course was beneficial. Sigh.

Finally we get back to the tanks and Cosmo was a great watch dog because nothing was disturbed. We eat and decide to rest for the night. Veronica and I bunk together while the guys share. We end up coming up with a schedule for watch and James gets the first watch. Everyone seems subdued and lost in their own thoughts. And even though it was another early bedtime and this time I stayed in bed.

Early the next morning Keith moves off to give another status report and I find myself alone with James. He inquires how I slept, fine. He asks if I need anything, nope. I feel bad, I want to say something but I just don't know what. I'm just not in the mood to chit chat.

Finally Keith signals that we need a team meeting. We all sit around the dying campfire, eating our breakfast and discussing our options. Eventually we agree that my route is good and that Lance and Veronica are our best bet for town spying (Lance is super annoying about it too!) He kept repeating, "Just call me Bond, James Bond" until Veronica squeezed his pressure point on his shoulder (that must be her thing with him, lol). 

As they did before, the siblings are going to head in first, gather intel and after a night head back out of town. They plan to rent a room and buy supplies all the while talking up people, sharing gossip and observing the town. Lance added to their story, since they don't have the baby to ask about. They are siblings traveling to their abuelas where they hope gather family is at. As they make their stops, they hear whispers about a few 'troublemakers' who have taken over the town. It continues from location to location. People are scared and its hurting the businesses. They also have 'friends' in the mountains. Rumors are rampant and obviously they aren't all true. I mean it's not like they are from the Garrison but they could be aliens or even criminals, especially smugglers. However, as soon as Lance can, he relays this information back to the group and suggest backup. 

After much discussion, the remaining four of us decide to enter in waves so it is not so suspicious and we don't look like a gang or unit. Kinkade and James decide to  act like a few bounty hunters and go to the bar where Lance and Veronica are supposed to eat dinner.  While there is no visual of these bad guys, I was able patch in a rudimentary audio. There aren't enough ear buds but Keith, Kincade and I have one.

I realize I can hear a hum from something and let Keith know I have to go in to try and triangulate the source. He's not too keen on me going in alone but honestly I am hoping to go unnoticed. Let's face it,  it shouldn't be too hard because I literally spent high school being invisible! I think I sat by myself at lunch for a few years, so how hard could it be?

Katie Holt, I presume जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें