Big Sis

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Griffin wakes up and realizes that he hasn't seen Pidge or Katie Holt. He walks up to Lance and says, "Hey is Katie still on watch duty?"

Lance replies, "Not sure, I think her and Keith were switching off at sometime. But I know we need to get packed up so we aren't late. I'll go check on them."

Veronica looks at Lance with a perfectly arched brow and with no subtlety follows him out. Lance turns and says, "What?!"

"What?!? Really?? What's going on?" When Lance moves away, she pinches his shoulder right where it meets his neck. "Wanna share?"

Lance yelps and unconsciously falls to his knees. "Ronnniieee"

She looks at him unrepentantly until he caves. "Fine! Keith likes Pidge. And I think Pidge has had a thing for him too! But I don't even know if she knows she does! Sooooo, I'm trying to give them some space to figure things out! Are you happy now?!?"

Veronica lets Lance go and thinks. She replies, "I'm not sure. I don't know who is a better fit for Pidge. She's a really great girl and needs a guy who will help her grow. Honestly, I don't know if either of them have it in them."

Lance looks insulted. "Hey, I know both Keith and Pidge really well, why don't you trust my judgement?"

"Um, isn't Keith the dude you had a rivalry with and you call Mullet?"

"Well, yeah sure, but I only had a rivalry cuz he was the best. And Mullet is just his nickname! Besides, I thought YOU said he was cute!"

"Oh, he is. But so is Griffin. So that's a draw."

"Ok, how about you observe and you'll see Keith is the best fit! When we were out in space, Keith and Pidge were the arms of Voltron." "They aren't any more!" "I know!!! But listen, they have always had some kind of...thing...unspoken between them. Keith treats her differently than the rest of us, for some reason he listens to her, has patience with her and he is always hyper aware of where she is. Plus, you see how Cosmo is with her. Dude, no one else can get that space dog to do what they want! Seriously, now that I know, it's like how did I not know!"

Veronica sighs, "Okay Lance, I will observe and reserve judgement, without saying anything."

Lance smiles and throws his arm around her, "Thanks sis."

"So let me go get them. I need to see them when they don't know the team I watching."

Lance frowns but replies, "Okay."

Veronica smiles and says, "Then you better start packing up!"

Veronica is telling the truth when she says she'll keep an open mind. Since the paladins return, she has really gotten to know Pidge and she really likes her. And while Griffin is on her team, she isn't as quick as Lance to get behind a guys just cuz she likes him. Veronica knows that Pidge is a special girl and she needs a guy who understands that.

So, as Pidge's self appointed big sis, she has her work cut out for her!

Katie Holt, I presume Where stories live. Discover now