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Call finally over, Keith and Pidge can finally get ready for sleep, confident knowing that all pieces are being put together. It's finally decided that Coran and Allura along with Ina and Nadia will work on defenses at the base. Kolivan and the Blades are trying to reach out to their people in the field to try and get a clearer picture of what is happening and what they are seeing or hearing. In the end, it was decided that Matt, Hunk and Shiro will make their way to them. Having additional backup is a requirement now that they have to infiltrate a base just makes sense. That gives them approximately a day to plan and figure out what they need to do. And while Keith is anticipating and conversely dreading getting in bed with Pidge, he knows that this may be the last full night of sleep that they can get and they both need to sleep ASAP.

Yet, even as Keith gets ready for bed, brushing his teeth and using the bathroom last, he can't help but take a moment, to just pretend this is real. That he and Pidge were really married. That this was his norm.  He had the right to hold Pidge and comfort her. That is was normal to head for bed, and she'd be there. As he opens the bathroom door and catches sight of Pidge in a just an oversized sleep shirt and socks, Keith freezes. Committing this to memory.

His breath gets caught in his throat when he starts to think about what he and Pidge could do in the bed. With a whole night ahead of them. Before they leave and risk their lives. How he's love to worship her body and let her know just how much he loves her. Because he can't like to himself, this is love for him. LOVE. Ultimately he shakes his head, trying to stop himself from going down that road and finally just asks if he can turn off the light. Pidge who by now in bed under the covers, agrees.  He walks slowly as he flicks the light off and pulls the covers back to get in bed. With Pidge. Katie. Freaking Holt.

Keith sits on the edge of the bed, feet firmly planted on the floor on the side closest to the door. When Pidge asked what side of the bed he preferred he didn't tell her that he needed to be in between her and the door, just in case, as a last line of defense. She'd probably be pissed. And even knowing that Pidge can defend herself doesn't stop him from needing to be on this side. But while sitting here, staring in the dark, if he's honest, he knows things are different now.

He knows they have slept in the same sleeping pallet before. Alone, on different missions. But for some reason, maybe because of the lie that he can't get out of his head, this is different. It feels more personal, more intimate, just more everything. And now that he's faced his feelings, there's no going back. She is never going to be just, Pidge teammate. Nope.

Now she's Pidge, the girl who, shit, he can feel Pidge roll over probably facing him. "Keith? You good?" God he needs to control his thoughts. Maybe he should go for a run. He wishes he could train so he could just be exhausted enough to stop his thoughts. He rubs his hands over his face a few times. "Yeah, good. Go to sleep." 

"Umm sure thing dad." She replies, with a tinge of a laugh in her voice.

Keith reacts. There's no thinking. There's no stopping.He's tired and so he turns instantly, grabbing her shoulders, dragging her closer, pulling her underneath his upper body. His hands slide to her upper arms, unconsciously stroking her skin, his body leaning above her. His eyes have already adjusted to the dark so he can see her shocked face, hear her sharp intake of breath and feel a quiver go through her body. He leans his head down, to just above her, almost lowering his forehead to hers. In a dark and low tone, he growls, "I'm NOT your father. I'm NOT your brother. Never that."

"What are you then?" Of course Pidge has a response. She's not intimidated, rather she pushes herself up on her elbows leaning into him, making him retreat. Demanding a response. Pushing him past the limits he thought he had in hand. He inhales, his voice impossibly lower than before. He begs, "Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to."

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