Sleeping Arrangements

387 14 18

Pidge POV

I'm so tired. Keith has really been a trooper, and I feel pretty weird needing him so much. I hate being weak, yet, deep down I also know it is ok. I know that if he needed me I'd be there and I also know that Keith would let me know if I needed to stop. Plus, honestly, I'm just so damn cold and Keith currently has his arms around me and he is so much warmer than I.

I look up at him to ask him a question but his eyes are closed and his head is bowed. I find myself tracing his features with my eyes. He wet hair is starting to dry because the rain has finally stopped and I cannot bring myself to voice my question. Instead I stare at him and fight the urge to place a kiss on his jawline. That's when his eyes open and his eyes are on mine...


I want to look away but I...just... can't. It's like his eyes have mesmerized me and I have zero desire to escape. His head appears to dip down and my eyes start to drift close...only to hear James yell out our names. My head snaps forward and I could feel my face heat up. I straighten and start to move out of Keith's arms when I feel them tighten around me. I snap my gaze back up at him and his gaze is firmly on James. I know that they have some kind of history but I don't know the details. And quite frankly I don't care. What happened in the past can stay there. We have bigger issues with the first being finding this little guy's parents. Priorities.

I look to James and respond since it appears Keith isn't. "What's the status of camp?"

James is sporting a frown and jogs up to us. He haltingly replies, "Some of the tents have blown away leaving us with only two. Our food supply is fine but some of the tents had our items in it so we need to pool it together and see what we have left."

He is now standing directly in front of us and is standing too close to Percy. The little guy must have picked up on the underlying animosity in James' tone and start to fuss. I give James a frown to let him know I'm not happy and cuddle the little guy. He buries his head in my shoulder and I hold him tighter. Wow, who knew I loved kids?!?

I look up at Keith and say, "Hey, we need to get him some food and dry clothes. Let's go."

Keith nods and lets me go, moving to walk next to me. James mimics this and is now on my other side. What the heck?!? 

We get to the tent that is standing and duck in. They aren't very big and with the three of us along with Lance it's a tight fit. Lance arches an eyebrow but surprisingly doesn't comment. "Pidge, I think we can use these for the little guy. Sorry they are yours but I was able to pin it in a few spots. Do you think he's potty trained?"

Ummm I have no clue!!! I look at Lance with what can only be termed a panicky look and say "I have no clue!"

He laughs and says, "Check to see if he has a diaper on or underwear."

Oh, yeah that makes sense. I feel kinda weird but I check and realize he has on underwear. OK, that means he can go to the bathroom by himself? I stupidly say this aloud and Lance starts laughing hysterically.

"No, no, he's still little he probably needs help!" Lance is grinning and looking at me expectantly. Ummmm, hello I'm not a boy! I shake my head and Lance smirks, "He trusts you, not me."

Oh man. I turn to Keith who is rapidly backing up, "Hey I'm going to check in with everyone and see what our status is." He back out of the tent, to just poke his head back in, "You make sure you get some dry clothes on too! It will be a miracle if you don't get sick but let's try to take every precaution. If you need clothes" waves his arm at his bag, "feel free to help yourself."

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