Downtime before Next Mission

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Keith now finds himself in his room with Hunk, Shiro, Matt, Lance and Coran. Thank goodness, he does not have a lot of junk in here because they barely all fit. Matt and Shiro are lounging on the bed (with their shoes on), Hunk is sprawled on the floor, Lance is leaning on the door (to keep them all here?) and Coran is literally touching what little stuff he has in his room. Lance begins by stating, "I called you all here because it appears that James Griffin...likes Pidge!" Matt immediately sits up and shouts, "What, the, what now?!"  (Thank you Matt!)

All eyes are on Lance and he almost seems to drag out this announcement, he's totally enjoying the moment. He continues, "Ok guys, what do we really know about him? I think we need to get some Intel and decide if we approve this or not."

Keith frowns, he already said no, what is going on?!? This was not happening, how could he stop it though? He doesn't have any say in who she dates. Luckily before he can say anything stupid, Matt says "nope, not gonna happen". At least he had some luck!

Matt said, "She just got back to Earth, my parents just got her back and now I am supposed to just let some random guy come in and steal her away again?" Agreed.

Shiro replied, "Matt I don't know that's fair. Pidge deserves to be happy and she should be able to determine for herself if she wants"

Matt looks at him and replies, "Nope, she doesn't know him and he for sure doesn't know her."

Shiro counters with, "Well with this mission they can get to know each other."

Coran, adds, "I think Number 5 has proven she can make the best decision for herself. She is not going to be easily duped and she should be trusted, after all she is a paladin of Voltron."

Hunk suddenly looks around nervously, "I don't feel comfortable talking about this without Pidge here. She is gonna kill us and I really want to stay alive. How about we let her decide and if she asks for an opinion, we can give it to her. Please, you know how she gets!"

Matt replies, "Ya if ya wimps want, that's a good plan, I'm her brother, she doesn't scare me!"

Shiro smirks and says, "That's not what I remember" when Matt suddenly throws a pillow at him. Keith takes a deep breath and states, "We leave tomorrow, let's just keep an eye on things?"

Lance looks excited and says, "ooohhhhh covert mission!" Everyone laughs and agrees to share info, as it becomes known. Secretly, Keith has decided he is not leaving Pidge alone with Griffin. He just doesn't care about what they have supposedly decided. Shit, he needs to find her soon. Before you know it, the guys are distracted and Pidge knocks on the door. She calls out "C'mon Matt and Keith, we gotta go to dinner! Dad is waiting!"

The group disperses and the trio leaves, picking up Krolia on the way to the Holts, to get a family dinner and game night going. Tomorrow is coming fast and with so much unknown, they just decide to enjoy the moment. Yet, Keith cannot help but admire the Holt clan. (Secretly, Pidge thinks that Keith fits right in)

Keith actually talks and laughs. He just feels comfortable with these people he doesn't have to act or pretend here. At some point, Colleen snags Krolia and questions something going on with Keith and Katie? Krolia looks at her, and really considers, she replies, "I'm actually not completely sure. I feel like I have picked up on some...tension? I don't know if that is the right word, but I am not about you?"

Colleen replies, "As long as he treats her right, I have no complaints." They talk about their fears for their children and bond over how hard it is to be mother's to almost adults. While this is going on, Sam drifts off and just enjoys sitting on his porch, leaving the women to talk. He knows Colleen isn't happy that Katie is going on another mission and secretly he's hoping that Krolia helps her come to terms with this. The Blades, while tough, seem to accept the danger.

Conversely, Matt, Keith and Pidge are enjoying their gaming and smack talking. Unfortunately tomorrow comes sooner than any of them would have hoped.

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