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Camp broke and everyone was back in their tanks. Lance wanted to play I Spy which caused groans from all around. Suddenly there was an explosion that rocked the vehicles. Lance and Kinkade both were using a scope to look around and try and find an origin point. Cosmo was in the Tank with Keith, Pidge and Kinkade. There seems to be shooting and a lot of smoke. Keith initially wants to jump out with Cosmo but checks that initial response. He doesn't want to fall back into old patterns that she was not a fan of.

He takes a deep breathe and asks, "Anyone got eyes?"

Pidge replies, "I've got heat signatures roughly at 2"

Lance counters, "I see a smoke trail from 9, looks like human weapons vs Galra tech."

Kinkade yells, "Incoming!"

Their vehicle shakes and Pidge says, "There's a cliff up on our right, we can park outside as a barricade and they will assume we are hunkering down. Cosmo can take us out 2 at a time to both locations and we can nullify the targets."

Keith states, "Do it"

Griffin and Keith maneuver the tanks as suggested and they all jump out into the cave. Each is prepared for the worse and Griffin suggests Pidge and Veronica wait in the cave. Lance laughed and said, "Dude you must like tempting fate." He looked confused until Veronica and Pidge turn, in unison, to say that they are not helpless women. Griffin replies, "I know, but the last time we were out, Veronica you almost died! And Pidge, you aren't" when Pidge interrupts, "You are not in charge here" as she turns to Keith and stares at him with zero expression just pushes up her glasses.

Keith takes a breath, "First up, Lance and Kinkade, Cosmo will take you higher ground to give us eyes. Next Pidge you are with me, Cosmo will take us to the first group of people you saw. Lastly, Griffin and Veronica, take the last group. It appeared smaller and should be more manageable. Cosmo!"

Cosmo waited for the guys to grab hold and poof! Each team worked well together and overall the individuals were incapacitated quickly with no injuries to the team itself. Pidge sent a message to Shiro letting him know Cosmo would be returning with hostiles. Each team also grabbed supplies and maps that they had. Overall, the mission was smooth and they ended up with some maps and notes that Pidge and Veronica swore would help. With the delay Keith decided that they would stay the night and look though all the info they gathered from the gang.

Pidge POV

These maps are great. The land and roads have evolved or devolved over time and by tweaking the route, it should save them a couple of days. She knew Veronica was going over the notes and wanted to compare what she found with her before actually recommending changing course. She sees a shadow fall over her and she looks up.

James is standing awkwardly in front of her with a coke. She smiles and says, "How did you get a Coke, I know we didn't bring any!"

He smiles and says that the group they handled had supplies in their truck so good news-no MRE's today. She gladly takes the warm coke and says thanks. She was already getting back to work when she realizes he's not leaving. She arches a brow and says, "Did you need something?"

James takes this as invitation to stay and sits next to her on a rock, sitting close. Pidge feels a little weird. James is like an alpha dog and those types of people usually are not friends with her. He takes a deep breath and says "I wanted to apologize for recommending that you stay here. I know we haven't worked together and I just wanted you to know that I really respect what you did out in space. It's a little hard for me to truly understand how capable you are. When I look at you, I just see a..."

Pidge, quickly getting annoyed, interrupts and says, "A kid, yeah I know, I get that a lot."

James replies, "NO! Not a kid!! It's just you, I feel, um, well, I think you're great and I just want to..." Pidge looks at James, "haha, you know you didn't make any sense right?"

He sighs and wipes his hand down his face, "yeah, ok here's the thing" Suddenly Veronica and Lance are there and Lance is yelling, "Pidge tell Veronica what a ladies man I am!! I mean, oh, hey Griffin. Whatcha doin' down here? I thought you were supposed to be taking inventory and you know you like to follow the rules and all. Dude, are like sitting in Pidge's lap, haha haha."

Pidge looks uncomfortable and slowly answers, "James brought me a coke that he found while gathering the supplies. I guess everyone knows how much I like it huh?"

Veronica replies, with a smirk, "No I didn't know you liked Coke. In fact, I'm surprised Griffin noticed and actually brought you one. I like Coke and he didn't bring me one! Thanks a lot Griffin!"

Griffin suddenly stands up rather abruptly and says, "ok, ok, I'm going to do inventory. Katie, we'll talk later. Just consider this my apology." He nods, and brushes my shoulder with his fingers and leaves. We all just looked at each other, and I feel embarrassed by the attention. "What?!?"

Veronica says, "I think he likes you. He is not normally a sweet gesture kind of guy."

Lance replies, "Awww I knew that days ago. Where've you been?"

Shit, does he like her?! How is she supposed to know this kind of stuff? I mean, at school, she's pretty sure NO guys liked her, and then she was a boy, and finally a girl but in outer space. I mean she thought there were some aliens who might have liked her and she has nothing against intergalactic relationships but she wasn't attracted to someone. Ugh, being a teen in a post apocalyptic world is hard!

Katie Holt, I presume Where stories live. Discover now