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The call is abruptly ended when they hang up on hm. Well, Keith knows he's on shaky ground with the powers that be but really what else is new? Yes he's a paladin of Voltron not a great soldier. Hell the only reason I'm even a paladin is because I didn't follow the rules and went with my gut. Heck, the same goes for all of them, except for Shiro, who's such a Boy Scout. Yet, they put him in charge not Griffin, Mr. Rule follower and suck up, who follows directions. Argh!!!

Okay, I need to get myself under control. Patience yields focus. Patience. Focus. Okay, I understand that the higher ups want the mission completed. And I get it, I agree. But, finding Percy's parents is important, too. Kids needs their parents. God knows he did and if there's a chance to return him home they will. And if they can't find them, well, Pidge will figure something out. She always does. The bottom line is he has utter faith in this decision and now they just have to keep moving forward and accomplish both goals. Time to get going!

<Time Skip> Pidge POV

It was decided that Veronica and Lance would go into the town first to gather intel and decide if further investigation was needed. The siblings were naturals at talking to strangers and both were pretty observant. Not to mention, their natural banter and joking helped to mask their intent in asking so many questions. This plan had a couple of advantages for the team. It allowed for them to get information on the surrounding area and see if they could track down additional data so they can find the sleeper cells, gather additional supplies and see if a little boy was missing from the area.

The first town they went into was a bust for Percy however, they did learn that strange lights were seen a few weeks ago over the ridge. However it was interesting to note this town looked pretty run down and they didn't see many aliens relocated here. The people also seemed scared and not one wanted to go investigate because they were afraid. The second town that was a little further upstream and East, looked a little better. The buildings looked repaired and well kept. In addition, some aliens have taken residence here and the community seemed to have absorbed them well.

They return with positive news. Percy is actually Jimmy and his parents are frantically looking for them. They have some land outside of town, near the creek which is probably how he got downstream. The area suffered from flash flooding and the little guy was outside when the storm came in suddenly and violently.

They all decide to head out to the house, leaving their tanks hidden. No sense in broadcasting why they are around here or who they are. They hide their stuff and hike a mile to the house. Pidge and Keith are each holding Percy/Jimmy's hand and he is yapping a mile a minute. He is also skipping and jumping letting them swing him. Pidge looks over to Keith and smiles. Keith looks pretty happy and much more relaxed.  The sun is out. There's grass growing, birds are chirping and it's actually kinda warm out. Knowing they are going to get this little guy back to his parents, today is a good day!!

She can hear Lance and Veronica arguing playfully and Kinkade is playing with his drone/video recorder muttering to himself. Then there's James being super serious. It's funny because it's so low key. It's kinda like how she had hoped high school would've been or a day before everything went crazy. Just an ordinary day. Of course it wasn't but still. She knows she wouldn't change anything because she loves her friends and she would NOT risk not knowing them....but according to Slav there are literally thousands upon thousands of realities out there.  So who knows what her life could have been like??? Maybe she had friends who got her, people who had her back and didn't have to go into outer space to find them. Instead in high school, she was more of a loner and teased because she was smart. Thank goodness for Matt, who helped her not feel so alone and always encouraging her.

Katie Holt, I presume Where stories live. Discover now