Pidge's Revelation

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Pidge ultimately decided to wear her pj's. I mean it's late. And she can't help but want to be comfy, in addition, her pj are really just sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt so it's not like they are lingerie. Pidge pauses, thinking why am I even thinking about lingerie?! She wipes her hand down the mirror and looks at herself in the mirror, taking a deep breath. Pidge makes it a habit not to lie to herself. To others sure, but not to herself. So she takes another deep breathe, looks in the mirror, and stares. She finally admits to herself, she wants to look pretty for Keith. Because...she...likes him.  And she wants him to like her.

Well hell. Now what?! Her and Keith are pretend married and James likes her. She knows that James and Keith had some issues in the past and she definitely doesn't want to stir that up. Not now, not ever. But she can't help how she feels.  Staring at herself, she takes stock. Okay hair, kinda scraggly, good skin, eyes are ok, if you don't focus on the dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. And while she wouldn't say objectively that she's ugly she also feels that she definitely isn't a looker. She's short, not that curvy and nerdy. Why would Keith want her over Veronica or Acxa? Veronica is gorgeous and smart. Acxa is well, honestly she's different but she's taller and attractive for a Galra. So, what chance could I possibly <knock, knock>

"Yeah?" She replies. Keith says, "You okay, almost done? I want to shower quickly and everyone should be here soon."

Pidge shakes her head and picks up her dirty clothes, "Yeah, <opens door> I'm done. Sorry."

"No problem. I talked to the base, Kolivan thinks that the Blades are on the up and up but we know there's a possibility of a spy so no chances okay?" "Sure thing" she replies. He smiles, "And call your parents, they want to check on you."

Pidge rolls her eyes, "Yeah sure thing."

Keith smiles, "Well as your husband, I gotta make sure you're taking care of yourself." Pidge laughs and shakes her head, "Ok hubs, no one said you were in charge!"

Keith goes to get ready and Pidge calls her parents house. Matt answers with, "Hello, Mrs. Kogane, congrats!"

Pidge can feel herself turning red, "Shut up! Where's mom and dad? I only have a few minutes."

"Well, they had to go to the Garrison, I think they want a team there in case you guys have any problems or info that needs to be dealt with. I was told to rest soooooo, here I am, at your disposal!"

"Well, tell them I'm fine and we got everything covered." Matt interrupts, "So married?" "Shit Matt, it's not real."


"Yeah, but Pidge, let's be honest, do you want it to be? Does he? I saw the way each of you were looking at each other the other night. Made me think. Made me fucking uncomfortable. And don't get all riled up either! I'm trying to help you, so I also talked to Shiro."

OMG. Oh my God!! What is happening right now? I don't know what to say, so I don't say anything. I just sit here, on the bed, tightly holding onto the phone like it's actually Matt's hand. He continues, voice lowered and serious, "Look, life is short right? We know this better than anyone. And you are one of the bravest people I know. So, if you like him, just don't run away, okay? Be open to the possibilities ...promise."

Pidge nods and grunts. Matt laughs, "Okay, I'm going to take that as a yes. Take care and come home. Love you."

"Love you too." I sit on the bed, just trying to turn over what Matt said. Does Keith like me? Like more than a friend? Matt could be wrong, he's not the best at reading in between the lines. But, he has an outside perspective so I can't discount it out of hand either. Damn. I wish something, sometime, just once, would just be easy, like literally anything!

There a knock and I start. I remember that Keith ordered food and I absently wonder how we are paying for this. I get up and remember to check the eyehole. When I open the door, I indicate that the guy can come in and set up the food. I ask if it's paid for or do I need to. As I close the door, I realize the guy looks familiar. I'm running through who it could be when he states, "So where's your husband?"

I take a step back and reply, "What's it to you?"

He smirks, "You aren't really married. Are you?" He walks slowly toward me and I instinctively take a step back, feeling vulnerable, which causes him to full blown smile. Fuck, suddenly I remember that I could kick his ass, teach him a lesson. It's one of the guys from the bar, he must work here, I quickly reason. So I stop and smirk. "Did I stutter? Again, what's it to you?" I brace myself for an attack, automatically distributing my weight and looking for weapons, when the bathroom door opens and Keith walks out, in a towel, looking so fucking hot and angry.

"Who the fuck are you?" he growls.

Katie Holt, I presume Where stories live. Discover now