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Veronica was already looking around the room trying to find glasses or something to drink the champagne out of. Pidge was laughing at her, but Veronica didn't mind, if it meant she got some champagne. Today was rough and she needed to unwind before whatever craziness happened next. Veronica was trying to get a read on her friend and for a girl who just had to kill a guy, she looked okay. I know she went through a ton of shit in space, but she looks good. That had to be due in part to Keith. Looking over to Griffin, he was looking moody and she just hoped his focus on the mission would be enough to stave off any confrontation with Keith. That was one outburst they didn't need as they were talking to a Blade operative.

Meanwhile, Yzax was standing uncomfortably in the room. Keith makes introductions and asks for what information Yzax can give them. Yzax nods to everyone, "Movement has been going to the north. I've tracked multiple routes but they all end up at the same place. At the top of the mountain. But here, what goes up doesn't come down. And that is, what is the word, wrong? With the amount of supplies I have seen go up, it cannot be good. I am sorry I don't have more."

Keith nods as he sits on the bed, scooting behind Pidge. He grabs a handful of fries nodding. "No, this is good information to have. We could somehow use this." Pidge smirks, "Definitely."

Yzax asked, "Would you be able to send a message back to the Blades for me? I have lost communication with them for so long and would like to get a message back. Also, I understand that I cannot be told of your plans, but I also do not want to get in the way. Please let me know what I can do to help."

Keith looks to Pidge, she sighs. "I'll get any message to the Blades for you. However, I don't feel comfortable telling you our game plan. (Pause) Sorry." Keith places his hand on her back and squeezes her shoulder-acceptance/approval, whatever it was it felt right.

Yzax nods, "I understand. I will leave my message here for you, many thanks for your help."

Veronica raises her plastic cup with champagne, "Thanks for this!" She stands and passes out little cups to everyone. Yzax raises his cup, "Congrats on your mating. I wish you many kits and a strong future. Victory or death!"

Everyone pauses and Griffin opened his mouth to speak when Lance interjects loudly, "Hear Hear!!! Many kits!!" and downs his cup. He looks panicky around the room. Griffin puts his cup down untouched, while everyone else drank theirs. Keith, in fact, looked downright cheerful.

Pidge interjects, "Hey, Yzax, can you look at my updated maps and let me know if they correlate with what you have seen? Anything you can add or subtract would be of great assistance!"

Yzax nods, "Of course, it is my honor to assist you."

Pidge pauses, slowly replying, "Um, yeah, okay, thanks."

As Pidge pulls out the maps moving over to the desk in the corner of the room, Lance sidles up to Keith. "Soooooo. Married huh? Kits?"

Keith turns red and rubs his neck, "Yeah, well, it's the first thing that popped in my mind at the bar that would make the other men stop touching her. I'm sure you noticed, there's a shortage of females here." His eyes remains on Pidge and Lance smiles, "I noticed. In fact, I noticed more than you. So I spoke to Hunk, he said, that Matt said, that Pidge said, (Keith puts his head in his hands) Right anyways, Pidge is totally into you. But you should open up to her and make your move now. She's not going to put herself out there and you're older and hopefully wiser." Laughing "or not. But let's pretend."

Keith closes his eyes, voice low, "You know, I actually came to that conclusion as well but it's easier said than done. What if she doesn't want me or wants (glances over to Griffin). Then what? I don't want to force her and I don't think I can stand her with him."

Katie Holt, I presume Where stories live. Discover now