Chapter 20 Reality Check

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Keith POV

What...the... fuck is even happening right now?!? How did this even happen?? Do you ever look at your life and think, how did I lose control over this situation so fast or how did I end up in this place? We had a plan. Maybe it wasn't the best plan but it is definitely in the garbage now. I don't think Shiro had to worry about shit like this when he was in charge!

Or, em, well, maybe he did. Now I know why everyone called him space dad! And why he wanted to yell at us all the time, especially Katie.  Or hug us. Protect us even when he knew we could handle stuff. Shit, what does she think she's doing? Quiznack!!!!

I am really struggling to keep my team leader fucking hat on right now. Katherine?!? She took her fucking ear piece off and now all I have are Kincade's damn moans about food, his groaning as he inhales his dinner and slurping of his drink in my ear. Then Veronica must have given Pidge's comm to Lance because now I also have his voice in my ear. And Lance is not reassuring me in any damn way.

He's mad. IF he's mad what the hell would I be feeling if I was in there? Seeing what he is?! She fucking took her comm off!! I know patience yields focus but I just can't. This trip has been one thing or another and it's making me question my intelligence in thinking I could be a team leader. Or impartial where Pidge is concerned.


Part of me thinks I should let things play out. Trust that she knows what she's doing. Stick with the bones of the plan. But honestly I'm not even fooling myself at this point. When I heard Griffin's intake of breath and swearing under his breath through Kincade's comm, and some guy was talking to Pidge at the bar, I honestly knew all bets were off. I need eyes on the situation. My own eyes, like ten minutes ago.

Which is why, instead of just staying put as we planned, I've been on the move. I packed up (threw our stuff haphazardly in a bag), went to the motel and booked a room. I dropped the equipment off, quickly added a few extra weapons hidden on myself and was already back at the bar by the time Lance has graduated to swearing in Spanish. Okay, no plan, but this is gonna be my play, I work best when I go with my instincts and make quick decisions anyways. I got this. I take a deep breath, slowly let it out and walk confidently in.

As I enter, I'm glad my eyes quickly adjust to the dim lighting of the bar, taking in everything with a quick glance, even factoring in how my shoes stick to the floor. Due to the comms, I had a good idea where people were and I quickly merge my internal map with the reality of the bar.

In a new wrinkle, I see Lance is dealing with an idiot who's trying to talk to his sister, definitely too close to her and it sounds like he wants to buy her off him. I shake my head but determine he's got it under control so I quickly refocus, noting Kincade eating dessert and drinking freaking ... coffee?!? Griffin looks pissed but he's staying in character, fist clenched at the same table, leg bouncing up and down like he's got a nervous tick. No one is paying attention to them so that's a plus, backup if necessary. As I continue looking around I catalogue all exits, the locations of the various men in the bar and potential troublemakers. Finally, I see the girl of the hour, Katherine. Katie. Pidge. Holt.

As I am cataloging everything and everybody, I can tell nearly every guy is watching her and salivating at the fact that there is a girl here. An attractive, young girl who appears to be alone. Single. Available. To date. That is dancing and drinking with their pals. That has a thin sheen of sweat, making her look soft and as I step closer, I can catch her scent. I instantly groan softly and close my eyes for a second.

When I open them, it's just in time to see clearly that some guy is grinding on her while 'dancing', hand splayed on her back, with the other nearly on her ass and I see red. I march over, grab his arm and jerk it back—fast. I hold tight, to ensure he's in as much pain as I can possibly manage without quite breaking it. It's a very fine line, one I'm very good at. He yelps and says, "Who the fuck are you?"

I squeeze just a smidge harder and say...loudly enough to carry across the bar, with as much authority I could, "Get your goddamn hands off my wife!"

The room freezes and I think I hear Pidge wheeze. I restrain myself from breaking the guys hand but give an extra squeeze just for the hell of it. I finally let go and look from the guy on the floor to Pidge, "Katherine, get your sweet ass over"

I see her start, stop and finally pause. Given the amount of stress I am currently am under, this just makes me more pissed. I swear I see through a haze, with Pidge being the only clear focus, so I reach out and grab her pulling her close. (God I love her scent) I make sure I don't squeeze her arm too hard because I'd never hurt her. I just need to be able to protect her, and I cannot abide by some other man's hands on her, not like this. I know she's trying to copy the guys something, but it's been a while so she should be done. I'll just double check then it will be extraction time. In the meantime, I'm putting myself between her and that jerk.

She falters and I can tell she's not sure what she should say or how to play this. She arches a brow and as I yank her closer, I say, "Babe" only to be interrupted by asshole A who decides to snap out of it and says, "Nononono, she's mine. Dibs."

For some reason, that was the final straw. You can't call dibs on her like she's the front seat of the car or a candy bar! I move to pull her even closer and kiss her.

On her mouth.



Like she's my everything or...God, the way I've been dreaming about kissing her for years at this point.

I absently wonder if she is going to fight this or go along with it. I tense, half way expecting her to hit me. And I wouldn't blame her in the least. Shiro drilled into me about respecting a woman and never taking advantage. But, since I did this, I'm giving her my all.

She's frozen, for at least 15 doubashes, then suddenly, shit, I need to let her go. I don't want to scare her! What the hell is wrong with me? Then suddenly, she's taking control of the kiss. Pulling on my hair, holding me closer, pressing into me. I'm surrounded by her...her scent, her taste, her arms tight around me, just her heat. Pidge, Katie, God, please.

She bites my lip, hard, hard enough for me to jerk back. Back to reality. She huffs out a laugh and replies, "Babe." She looks me in the eyes and I can tell she's not really mad. Brow arched, twinkle in her eye, then she bites her lip. But I can see the questions, so I whisper, "Did you get what you wanted out of this little experience?"

She smirks, glancing at her watch, "Sure did. You're paying attention to me now aren't ya!"

Asshole decides to speak up again stating, "What the fuck! She's"

I look at him, gently moving Pidge to my side, "Don't even finish that sentence. My lady has a temper and she was pissed I was not paying enough attention to her"

Pidge interjects, "On our honeymoon, don't forget that part!"

I look down, arching a brow, and grunt out "On our honeymoon, ... so she decided to leave me while I was doing some necessary things for our new life together. The end. So get lost."

Pidge elbows me, "Hank, I'm sorry. You seem like a really great guy and I didn't mean to lead you on. I'm actually used to just fading into the background and I just wanted to get out and unwind a little." She is giving him a sweet smile that may fool others but not me (I rolled my eyes at her and I could feel her silently laughing). But hopefully we could get the hell out of dodge before anything else goes wrong.

Never has a passing thought been so wrong. NEVER!!!!

Unfortunately for me, the universe likes to pull the rug out from under me, all the time. I swear, the universe is literally laughing at me now, because as I start to back away with Pidge safely under my arm, feeling pretty smooth, some assholes at the bar started laughing and talking shit to the clown, which led to...

Katie Holt, I presume Where stories live. Discover now